
  • 网络children's art;Child Art
  1. 现代艺术家向儿童艺术借鉴的形与法

    The Form and Method Learned From the Child Art by Modern Artists

  2. 亚洲儿童艺术展为儿童艺术教育展现成果提供了新的窗口。

    Asian Children 's Art Show provide a new angle for children 's art show .

  3. 2021年8月7日,第七届iSTART儿童艺术节开幕,《转校生的抉择》赢得了MoreOneGo特别关注奖。

    On August 7 2021 , the 7th iSTART Children 's Art Festival opened and The Choice of Transfer Students won the More One Go Special Attention award .

  4. 绘画超常儿童艺术思维过程个案研究

    The Research of the Process of Artistic Thought of the Supernomal Children in Painting

  5. 儿童艺术很具有表现力。

    Children 's art can be very expressive .

  6. 儿童艺术教育管理创新的途径探析

    Explore the Way to Bring Forth New Ideas for Children ' Art Education Management

  7. 马克·吐温和他的儿童艺术形象塑造

    Mark Twain and His Modelling of Child Protagonists

  8. 对儿童艺术技法教学的新思考

    Reflections on Children 's Artistic Technique Teaching

  9. 从美国的连环画册看我国的儿童艺术教育

    A View of Our Children 's Art Education Based on the American Comic Book Project

  10. 为此,我们策划国际青少年儿童艺术展演活动。

    For this purpose , we plan the international teen-agers children art exhibition performing an activity .

  11. 为了找回技艺化儿童艺术教育中失落的艺术精神,本文提出走向体验的艺术教育。

    In order to recover the lost art spirit , the present dissertation proposes experiential art education .

  12. 亟待关注的儿童艺术欣赏教育

    On Children Art Appreciation Education

  13. 新课程背景下儿童艺术课程生活化途径探幽

    The Method of Making Children 's Art Curriculum Close to Life Under the Background of New Curriculum

  14. 儿童艺术发展的最终目的是让儿童身心得到和谐发展。

    The ultimate goal for children 's artistic development is getting them in good health both physically and mentally .

  15. 论艺术与科学的关系&兼论我国儿童艺术教育中存在的问题

    Study on the Relationship between Art and Science & Also Study on the Problems of Children Art Education in China

  16. 教育管理创新是儿童艺术教育创新的重要组成部分。

    Bringing new ideas to education management is the important part to bring new ideas to children ' art education .

  17. 亚洲儿童艺术展将为“描绘明天”活动征集儿童的作品。

    Asian Children 's Art Show will calls for children 's works for " Painting the Tomorrow " series activities .

  18. 将高雅、虚幻的文化艺术引入平常的生活之中,找寻儿童艺术教育与商业的契合点。

    Introduce the elegance , illusory art into daily life , finding the meeting point of children 's art education and business .

  19. 北京七色光儿童艺术剧院是一个以演出儿童话剧为主,同时还可以进行歌舞,音乐等其他文艺形式的演出的多功能剧场。该剧院形式活泼,音质良好。

    Beijing Seven-Colour-Light Children Theater , with a capacity of 556 seats , isa multipurpose theater that is used mainly for children drama .

  20. 儿童艺术课程不能脱离儿童的生活而独立存在,艺术课程必须生活化。

    The children 's art curriculum can 't exist independently beyond children 's lives , so we must make art curriculum close to life .

  21. 在“美好城市璀璨童年”的主题下,48个儿童艺术团给上海舞台带来了一系列表演。

    Under the theme of " Lovely Cities , Wonderful Childhood ", 48 children 's groups are bringing a range of performances to the Shanghai stage .

  22. 亚洲儿童艺术展向着国际化大型儿童艺术展出的方向一步步迈进,希望联合不同国家和地区共同举办和推广儿童艺术展。

    Asian Children 's Art Show is walking toward a large-scale international art show step by step , hoping promote and work with different countries and regions .

  23. 亚洲儿童艺术展和“描绘明天”系列活动提倡公益与社会的结合,寻找的是公益与大众的双赢;

    Asian Children 's Art Show and " Painting the Tomorrow " series activities advocates the combination of charitable activities and society , looking for a win-win relationship .

  24. 生活是艺术的源泉,是儿童艺术教育的内容,也是儿童艺术学习的重要途径。

    Life is the source of art and the source of content of children 's art education , and is also an important method of children 's art learning .

  25. 因而本文研究儿童艺术的最终目的,必将归结到适应这种艺术秩序的教学目的、教学行为和教学方式上。

    Therefore , the final goal to study the subject is to adapt teaching target , teaching behavior and teaching methods to this aesthetic and psychological structures of children .

  26. 艺术馆意在用儿童艺术课堂以及与店铺的合作项目吸引25岁至50岁的女人——他称她们为“成熟的女人”。

    Galleries aim to attract 25 - to 50-year-old women - " the sophisticated lady , " he said - with children 's art classes and collaborations within stores .

  27. 在第一章和第二章中,本研究初步描述了成人和儿童艺术感觉的总体特征。

    In the following two chapters , i.e. , the first and second chapter , the general characteristics of the sense of art of adults and children are preliminarily described .

  28. 在第四章中,本研究首先提出了促进儿童艺术感觉发展应该注意的三个问题,即激发兴趣、注重多元化与加强体验等问题。

    In the fourth chapter , three new noticeable questions about developing sense of art are put forth , including encouraging interest , paying attention to diversification and strengthening experience .

  29. 我们可以随口报出一长串从事“成人艺术”的艺术家,但你很难报出那些从事儿童艺术的艺术家。

    We will throw you a long list of reported engaging in " adult art " artist , but it is hard to those reported in the children 's art artists .

  30. 我除了要准备各种会议、书面口号和拍照,还要负责军中的儿童艺术教育;

    Apart from preparing the setting for all kinds of meetings , writing slogans and taking pictures . I was also responsible for the Art Education of the children in the army .