
  • 网络Swiss education;Education in Switzerland
  1. 职业教育是瑞士教育制度中最具特色的。

    Vocational education is the most characteristic of the educational system in Switzerland .

  2. 瑞士教育改革的主要趋势

    On Primary Trends of Education Reform in Swiss

  3. 它是实行卓越的瑞士教育制度的一所最好的学校。

    It was one of the finest schools in the excellent Swiss educational system .

  4. 在国内,在公众面前宣扬党的路线的同时,这位身材矮小的电影爱好者喜欢好莱坞(hollywood)动作片,并从自己在瑞士接受教育的孩子们口中了解西方的生活。

    At home , the diminutive film buff enjoys Hollywood action movies and hears tales of life in the West from his Swiss-educated children , while trotting out the party line in public .

  5. 在瑞士接受教育,喜爱篮球。

    Educated in Switzerland , he likes basketball .

  6. 瑞士高等教育的体系架构与特色分析

    Structure Framing of Higher Education System of Switzerland and the Analysis of Its Features

  7. 瑞士职业教育的特征分析及启示

    Vocational Education in Switzerland

  8. 浅析高职高专学生英语听说能力差的原因及对策职业教育探析瑞士职业教育的特征分析及启示

    Analyzing the Reasons for Students ' Poor Listening and Speaking Ability in Higher Vocational and Technological Colleges and the Countermeasures

  9. 与此同时,瑞士的教育系统需要接受新的挑战,面临世界和社会的各种变化。

    At the same time , the education system has to deal with new challenges in the face of changes in society and the world .

  10. 借鉴瑞士职业教育发展的模式和经验,对于加快我国职业教育改革,培养高素质专业人才,建立终身职业教育体系具有重要的意义。

    We can use the training mode and experience of switzerland for reference to promote vocational education , cultivate professional employee and build a life-long vocational education system in China .

  11. 最后针对瑞士职业教育体系,分析其异同并探讨原因,本文指出了我国职业教育体系的建构值得思考的问题。

    Pointed out the questions in the China 's vocational education system , Analyzed the difference in the vocational system between Switzerland and China , Discussed the reasons about the difference .

  12. 瑞士的测绘教育述评

    A Review of the Education of Surveying and Mapping in Switzerland

  13. 富人把子女送到瑞士去受教育。

    Wealthy sent their children to Switzerland to be educated .

  14. 瑞士高等职业教育发展特点及其启示

    Characteristics of the Development of Higher Vocational Education in Switzerland and Its Revelations

  15. 瑞士高等职业教育在多年的发展中形成了自己的特色,这表现在其社会地位、管理体制、学位制度、学习内容、标准设置等多方面。

    Higher vocational education in Switzerland has formed its own characteristics in the development , which embody in many aspects , such as its social status , management system , learning content , etc.

  16. 本文从政府、教育研究机构及企业的角度对世界旅游教育现状进行了总体梳理,同时分别对世界旅游组织及美国和瑞士的旅游教育特点进行了典型分析。

    This article analyzes the current situation and characteristics of world tourism education from the perspectives of government , educational institution and enterprises . It also introduces the training system of World Tourism Organization , tourism education in America and Switzerland .

  17. 教育的社会化,社会的教育化,实行开放性教育和学徒制等富有特色的教育,使瑞士真正实现了教育大众化的目的。

    The socialized education and educated society , opening education and the system of apprentice , enable switzerland to have reached the aim of popularizing education .

  18. 瑞士宪法规定了教育基础,规定每所小学校应该提供初等教育于每个孩子,而公立学校所提供的教育是免费的。联邦管理和支持大学的操作。

    The Swiss constitution sets the foundations , namely that primary school is obligatory for every child and is free in public schools and that the confederacy can run or support universities .

  19. 本文通过分析瑞士新加坡、德国教育分流的政策以及影响,发现合理的教育分流为杰出人才的成长做出了巨大的贡献。

    This paper analyzes Switzerland , Singapore , Germany and other countries and the impact of education policy of segregation , education and diversion to find a reasonable growth of talented people made a great contribution .