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  1. 利用P波初动及振幅比初步计算2005年11月26日九江―瑞昌地震余震震源机制

    Focal Mechanism Solution of the Aftershocks of Jiujiang-Ruichang Earthquake on Nov.26,2005 by Using P Wave First Motion and S / P Amplitude Ratio

  2. 利用Sato模型研究九江-瑞昌地震序列的Qc值特征

    On q_ C value features of Jiujiang-Ruichang earthquake sequence by Sato model Sato

  3. 利用Sato单次散射模型和九江台的近场数字地震记录,研究了九江-瑞昌地震序列尾波Qc值的变化特征,得到Qc值随频率的变化关系为Qc(f)

    By use of single scattering model ( Sato ), the varying characteristics of Qc value of Jiujiang-Ruichang seismic sequence is studied from the digital earthquake record of Jiujiang station .

  4. 江西瑞昌铜岭古矿冶遗址的~(14)C-AMS研究

    Study on the ancient copper - mining and smelting relic site in Ruichang , Jiangxi by using ~ ( 14 ) C-AMS

  5. 九江&瑞昌序列震源位置及震源区速度结构的联合反演

    Simultaneous Inversion for Hypocentral Location and Velocity Structure of Jiujiang-Ruichang Sequence

  6. 九江&瑞昌地区金属矿地震勘探方法技术研究

    Experience acquired in seismic exploration of metallic deposits in Jiujiang-Ruichang area

  7. 九江&瑞昌5.7级地震调查及其思索和启示

    Investigation of the Jiujiang-Ruichang Earthquake of M_S5.7 and Its Enlightening

  8. 瑞昌市林业有害生物发生情况及防治对策

    Outbreak Status and Control Methods of Forest Harmful Organisms in Ruichang City

  9. 九江&瑞昌5.7级地震现场房屋安全性鉴定工作的探讨

    Some Discussions on the Building Safety Assessment after the Jiujiang-Ruichang Ms 5.7 Earthquake

  10. 九江&瑞昌地区铜矿床成矿地质特征

    Geological characteristics of copper metallization in the jiujiang & ruichang area , jiangxi Province

  11. 九江-瑞昌5.7级地震余震震源机制解

    Focal mechanism solutions of aftershocks of Jiujiang-Ruichang earthquake

  12. 介绍了长钢集团瑞昌水泥有限公司年产100万t矿渣水泥粉磨生产线的工艺流程。

    Also , the process of the one-million-ton-a-year slag cement grinding production line is introduced .

  13. 2005年11月26日九江&瑞昌地震场地影响的初步分析

    Preliminary Study on Site Effect and Damage by Jiujiang-Ruichang Earthquake of 26 November , 2005

  14. 长江瑞昌江段四大家鱼鱼苗捕捞现状分析

    Analysis on catching fry of four major Chinese carps in the Ruichang section of Yangtze River

  15. 瑞昌地震后教学用房安全鉴定及裂缝加固

    The Safety Appraisal and Strengthening Measures of Ruichang City 's Buildings for Educational Occupancy After the Earthquake

  16. 瑞昌市洋鸡山金矿露天边坡稳定性研究

    Study on stability of the open pit slope in Yang Ji Shan Gold Mine of Ruichang City

  17. 江西九江&瑞昌地震灾区抗震设防参数研究

    Study of Seismic Fortification Acceleration in Earthquake Disaster Area of Jiujiang and Ruichang , Jiangxi Province , China

  18. 应用遥感图像分析九江瑞昌地区构造与金铜成矿的关系

    The Relation Between Structure and Gold Copper Metallogenics in the Area of JiuJiang & Ruichuang : From the Study of Remote Sensing Imagery

  19. 本文主要分析江西省瑞昌市政府在应对自然灾害时应急机制的缺失与不足。

    The paper mainly analyzes the Jiangxi Province Ruichang municipal government when deals with the natural disaster the emergency mechanism flaw and the insufficiency .

  20. 信阳瑞昌贸易有限公司位于著名的中国茶都-信阳,是一个专门从事进出口业务的贸易公司。

    XINYANG RICHANG TRADE CO. , LTD located in the famous Chinese tea are-Xinyang , a business specializing in the import and export trading company .

  21. 凭著令人满意的品质,具竞争的价格,准时交货及良好的服务,我们深信,瑞昌生产的拉鍊日后将会远销至地球不同角落。

    With satisfied quality , competitive price , fast delivery and good services , we are confident to further expand our market to different corner of the globe .

  22. 目前九江&瑞昌地震序列的波速比持续处于高值异常,应当警惕回落到平均值以下后发生显著有感地震。

    At present , the V_P / V_S ratio keeps in high value anomaly , we should be alert the occurrence of felt earthquakes when the mean value drop .

  23. 本文结合九江-瑞昌地震震害调查,分析了在我省村镇建设中强调抗震概念设计和加强抗震构造措施的重要性。

    In this paper , the importance of anti-seismic concept design and anti-seismic measure on fujian rural area building construction was discussed basing on the investigation of seismic disaster of jiujiang earthquake .