
  • 网络RESA;Aretha;Larisa;Raisa;larisa angela
  1. 所以,不论你决定如何甩掉你的男友,想想艾瑞莎•弗兰克林,给他一点儿尊重。

    So however you decide to dump your guy , think of Aretha Franklin and give him a littler-es-pe-ct .

  2. 艾瑞莎。弗兰克林在周二也表示因为天气太冷,对自己的表现不甚满意。

    Aretha Franklin said later she was not happy with her voice on Tuesday again because of that bitter cold .

  3. 姿瑞莎紧紧地偎在他身上。过了一会,她摇摇头。

    Theresa clung to him for a moment and shook her head .

  4. 参议长贷瑞莎穆雷发言人拒绝评论对共和党的提案。

    A spokesman for Senate President Therese Murray declined comment on the GOP proposal .

  5. 汤姆-黑根紧紧地拥抱着姿瑞莎,脸上有点难为情的样子;

    Arid by the sofa Tom Hagen was holding Theresa close to him , his face embarrassed .

  6. 他把姿瑞莎放开了。然后,令迈克尔感到惊奇的是桑儿把他也拥抱了一下,并在脸上吻了一下。

    He released Theresa and then to Michael 's surprise he too , got a hug and a kiss on the cheek .

  7. 四月十六日,一名女工在印度阿穆瑞莎的榖类市集用筛网过滤麸壳与小麦。

    A female laborer uses a sieve to separate wheat husks from the grain at a grain market in Amritsar , India , Apr.16,2007 .

  8. 是狄昂•华薇克的堂妹,是艾瑞莎•弗兰克林(又称安蒂娜•雷)的教女。小时候,她们都是她的学习对象。

    cousin of Dionne Warwick , god-daughter of Aretha Franklin ( " Auntie Ree " ) , all of whom she 'd learned from when her braids still got in the way of the microphone .

  9. 此次音乐会在纽约无线电城音乐厅举行,出席这次音乐会的还有著名的艺术家艾瑞莎•弗兰克林、奎恩•拉提法和“迪斯科女王”葛罗莉亚•盖罗等,非洲艺人巴巴•马尔等也参与了演出。

    The concert held at New York 's Radio City Music Hall also featured such prominent artists as Aretha Franklin , Queen Latifah and disco queen Gloria Gaynor as well as African artists , including Baaba Maal .