
  • 网络Theory of Mind;children s theory of mind
  1. 近些年来,儿童心理理论(theoryofmind,ToM)作为社会认知发展又一新的研究领域,已日益得到国内外发展心理学研究者的关注。

    In recent years , researchers have paid more attention to the development of children 's theory of mind ( ToM ), which is a new research area in children 's social cognitive development .

  2. 儿童心理理论的研究及其对教育的启示

    The Investigation and the Inspiration of Children 's Theory of Mind

  3. 听力障碍儿童心理理论发展的研究进展

    Advanced research in theory of mind of children with hearing disorder

  4. 纵向再探学前儿童心理理论发展模式

    Longitudinal Perspectives : The Sequences of Theory-of-Mind Development in Chinese Preschoolers

  5. 儿童心理理论能力中的特质理解研究

    The Understanding of Traits in Children 's Theory of Mind

  6. 语言理解能力与儿童心理理论测试成绩的关系

    Performance of Theory of Mind Tests in Children and Language Understanding Ability

  7. 3~6岁儿童心理理论的发展

    Development of Theory-of-Mind of 3 - 6 Years Old Children

  8. 儿童心理理论研究现状和发展

    Present status and progress of the study on the theory of children mind

  9. 母亲教养方式与儿童心理理论发展的关系

    Mothers ' Parenting Style and the Development of Children 's Theory of Mind

  10. 关于儿童心理理论的研究是当今发展心理学研究的最重要领域之一,而愿望、信念情绪理解是心理理论研究领域中的一个重要课题。

    Research on theory of mind is an important field of development psychology .

  11. 语言与儿童心理理论关系的一种新观点

    A new view about the relation between language and children ′ s theory-of-mind

  12. 同伴接纳、家庭因素与儿童心理理论的关系

    The Relationship between Peer-acceptance , Family Factors and Theory of Mind of the Children

  13. 儿童心理理论发展同步性的跨文化研究

    A Cross-Cultural Study of Synchrony to the Development of Children 's Theory of Mind

  14. 愿望理解是儿童心理理论的重要组成部分。

    Desire understanding is one of the important components of children 's theory of mind .

  15. 学前儿童心理理论及欺骗发展的关系研究

    Studies on the Relation between the Development of Theory of Mind and Deception of the Preschoolers

  16. 训练对3-4岁儿童心理理论发展影响的实验研究

    Facilitating Theory of Mind Understanding in Young Children of 3-4 Years Old : A Training Study

  17. 用装扮游戏中的欺骗任务模式考察3-5岁儿童心理理论的发展

    An Investigation of Three-to-Five-Year-Old Children 's Theory of Mind Development Using Deceptive Task in Pretend Play

  18. 亲子间心理状态术语、非心理状态术语使用与儿童心理理论的关系

    The Relationship between ToM and the Mother-child 's Use of Mental State Terms and Non-mental State Terms

  19. 但研究者们已经达成共识,即错误信念理解后,儿童心理理论确实有更进一步的发展。

    But researchers have achieved consistency that children 's theory of mind actually develops after false belief understanding .

  20. 3.5~5.5岁儿童心理理论与时序认知能力关系的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Relationship between Theory of Mind and Succession Cognition of 3.5 ~ 5.5-year-old Children

  21. 儿童心理理论发展的研究起源于皮亚杰对儿童认知发展的研究。

    The research on children 's theory of mind comes from Piaget 's study about children 's cognitive development .

  22. 小学儿童心理理论、合作行为、马基雅维里主义的发展及其相互关系研究

    Research on the Development of Primary School Children 's Theory of Mind , Cooperation , Machiavellianism and Their Relationship

  23. 对心理过程差异的理解是学龄后儿童心理理论发展的一部分。

    The understanding of diversity in individual thought processes is a part of a child 's post-preschool theory-of-mind development .

  24. 学前儿童心理理论与抑制性控制关系研究进展

    A New Development of the Study on the Relations between the Psychological Theory of Preschool-age Children And Inhibitory Control

  25. 威廉斯综合症儿童心理理论研究进展精神分裂症与腭-心-面综合征研究进展


  26. 儿童心理理论的发展研究是当今发展心理学中最活跃的领域之一。

    The developmental research on children 's theory-of-the-mind is one of the most active research areas in all of developmental psychology .

  27. 作为朴素理论的一个核心领域,儿童心理理论研究是目前发展心理学研究中的前沿课题之一。

    As a core domain of the Naive Theory , study of children 's theory of mind is a frontier subject in developmental psychology .

  28. 控制了年龄因素后,儿童心理理论发展和儿童心理状态术语使用存在显著相关;

    After control of age , children 's TOM is significantly related to the use of their mental state utterances and their mothers ' .

  29. 儿童心理理论研究是二十多年来发展心理学的一个研究热点。

    Since the eighties of the20th century , Theory of Mind ( ToM ) has become an area of much concern among developmental psychologists .

  30. 母亲教养方式问卷的结果表明,控制了年龄因素后,母亲的严厉惩罚和儿童心理理论发展之间存在显著相关;

    The result of mothers ' parenting style questionnaire indicates that children 's TOM is significantly related to mothers ' severe punishing after control of age .