
  • 网络PayPal
  1. 的唯一形式,应继续只当他们在使用贝宝帐户,以完成付款打算

    Bidders should proceed only if they intend on using a PayPal account to complete payment . Bidders

  2. 20年来,莫里茨领导着红杉(Sequoia)进行了一些最成功的投资,其中包括雅虎(Yahoo)、谷歌(Google)、贝宝(PayPal)和商务社交网站LinkedIn。

    These include Yahoo , Google , PayPal , and LinkedIn .

  3. 但Square公司的表现也毫不逊色:该公司在去年处理了总计40亿美元的移动支付款项,主要源自往往被贝宝公司忽略的小型实体零售商。

    But square also says it processed $ 4 billion in payments last year , largely from small brick-and-mortar retailers that PayPal has tended to overlook .

  4. 之后,雅虎一直在寻找合适的人选,并最终选定了时任贝宝公司(Paypal)CEO的斯科特•汤普森。

    Yahoo went on a talent search that eventually led them to then-paypal CEO Scott Thompson .

  5. 比特币还无法取代信用卡或贝宝(PayPal)。

    Bitcoin isn 't ready to replace credit cards or PayPal .

  6. 但是,贝宝公司(PayPal)为这个目标奋斗的时间比谁都长。

    No company has been working longer at this goal than PayPal .

  7. 但eBay复兴的最大功臣,无论过去还是现在,都是它的移动支付服务贝宝(PayPal)。

    But the real star was and still is PayPal , the online payment service .

  8. 他在贝宝(PayPal)担任总裁期间,这些特质帮他取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    Those qualities served him well as PayPal president .

  9. 贝宝早期的成功绝大部分(如果不是全部)都要归功于与eBay的关联。

    PayPal owes most , if not all , of its early success to its relationship with eBay .

  10. 他们指出,贝宝可以通过延迟付款,利用eBay卖家应收到的付款赚取利息。

    The delay , they claim , could allow PayPal to collect interest on eBay sellers ' payments .

  11. 贝宝(PayPal)联合创始人彼得•蒂尔(PeterThiel)将谷歌描述为一家善良的垄断企业。

    Peter Thiel , a co-founder of PayPal , describes Google as a benign monopoly .

  12. 贝宝(PayPal)的移动钱包方案也没能真正普及起来。

    PayPal 's mobile wallet options have failed to truly catch on as well .

  13. 事实上,怒火中烧的卖家迄今已在贝宝网站论坛上发布了600多页的帖子,对eBay的上述策略表示抗议。

    Indeed , the PayPal website forum has more than 600 pages of posts from angry sellers protesting the hold .

  14. 长期以来,eBay一直为零售企业提供各种极具价值的电子商务工具&其中最知名的就是大获成功的贝宝(PayPal)支付服务。

    EBay has long offered merchants valuable e-commerce tools & most notably its wildly successful paypal payments service .

  15. 在贝宝(PayPal)总裁大卫•马库斯看来,钱包即将被淘汰。

    The way PayPal President David Marcus sees it , wallets are on the way out .

  16. 最后,由银行以及贝宝和Square等公司提供的个人对个人(p2p)移动支付也在日渐成长,不过该领域的交易总额仍然较小。

    Finally , mobile person-to-person payments , which are enabled by banks and by companies like PayPal and Square , are also growing , though the total number of transactions remain small .

  17. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)把自己比作中国互联网世界的eBay、亚马逊(Amazon)和贝宝(PayPal),现在它想再加入一点YoutTube和Netflix的成份。

    Alibaba fancies itself the eBay , Amazon.com and PayPal of the Chinese Internet . Now it wants to add YouTube and Netflix to the list .

  18. 2014年,微软、贝宝、戴尔以及DISHNetwork等企业宣布,自身一系列产品接受比特币付款。

    In 2014 , Microsoft MSFT - 0.84 % , PayPal , Dell , and Dish Network DISH 2.24 % , among many others , announced they would accept bitcoin as payment for a range of products .

  19. 有一位微软的老人推荐了一名准外部人士:Yammer公司CEO大卫•萨克斯&贝宝(PayPal)圈子里的一员。

    An ex-microsoftie suggests a quasi-outsider , yammer CEO David sacks , a card-carrying member of the PayPal Mafia .

  20. 比如提供金融交易服务的贝宝和提供通信服务的Skype。

    such as financial transactions , in the case of Paypal , or means of communication , as Skype does .

  21. 他讲起当年贝宝(paypal)的员工如何在伊利诺伊大学(universityofillinois)的计算机实验室周围盘桓,和学生交谈,培养他们对这家公司的兴趣。

    He cites how PayPal employees at that time hung around the computer labs at the University of Illinois talking to students to build interest in the company .

  22. 鉴于莫里茨曾在贝宝(PayPal)等支付类公司进行过投资,因此我们想听听他对于比特币的看法。

    Moritz also was asked for his views on bitcoin , given his history of payment investments like PayPal .

  23. 谷歌(Google)、贝宝(Paypal)等巨头、无线运营商、大型连锁店,以及Square等前途光明的初创公司,在推广移动钱包上都步履维艰。

    Giants like Google , PayPal , wireless carriers , and major retail chains , as well as promising startups like Square , have all struggled to make wallets popular .

  24. eBay表示贝宝的活跃注册账号数在上月已达1.132亿,比去年增加了13%。

    EBay reported last month that the service has 113.2 million active registered accounts , representing a 13 % gain over the prior year .

  25. 仅过去6个月,这家诞生于澳大利亚的公司不断从亚马逊(Amazon)、贝宝(PayPal)、谷歌(Google)和Twitter挖角,其高管团队的实力由此大大增强。

    In the past six months alone , the Australian-born company fortified its senior executive ranks with high-profile hires from Amazon , PayPal , Google , and Twitter .

  26. 信用卡详细信息的售价仅为几美元,而一个贝宝(paypal)账户可以卖到500美元。

    Credit card details sold for just a few dollars while a PayPal account could cost up to $ 500 .

  27. 比如,易趣拥有在线支付服务贝宝(PayPal),这项服务使得小商户可以接受信用卡支付。

    EBay Inc , for example , owns online payment service PayPal that helps small vendors accept credit card payments .

  28. 去年年末,贝宝宣布达成了一项交易,可让购物者在其700多万家可使用Discover购物卡的合作实体店用贝宝账户付款。

    PayPal announced a deal late last year that will allow shoppers to pay using their PayPal accounts at any one of the 7 million-plus brick-and-mortar stores that take discover ( DFS ) , for instance .

  29. 一年前,贝宝(PayPal)创始人麦克斯o列夫琴参与推出了“好孕”应用软件Glow。现在,这一应用已经带来了可观的成果——2.5万名女性通过它成功晋级准妈妈。

    One year after PayPal founder Max Levchin helped launch Glow , the fertility app has some impressive results : the service takes credit for 25000 pregnancies .

  30. 与iPhone5S的传感器只适用于苹果公司授权的应用不同,Galaxy5S的传感器还可用于进行贝宝(PayPal)支付。

    Unlike the iPhone 5S , which only uses the fingerprint sensor for Apple-based authorizations , the Galaxy 5S 's lets you make PayPal payments , too .