
  1. 根据研究结果,提出了对施工企业优化安全投入的建议,并对《建筑施工安全检查标准》(JGJ59-99)中评分项的权重、安全检查的评分模式等进行了讨论。

    Based on the research , we discuss the grading weights and the grading models of the Standard of Construction Safety Inspection of China ( JGJ59-99 ), and give some suggestions for the contractors to optimize the safety input .

  2. 质量管理过程中评量测量系统的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Measurement System in Quality Management

  3. 本研究使用质的研究方法研究了N市中学学科教研组评课活动中,评课者是如何评课的。

    As a qualitative study , the research project studied the lesson-evaluating activities of some teaching research groups in the high schools of N city .

  4. 上世纪60年代名噪一时的经典音乐剧《音乐之声》在近日的一项调查中被评为“历史上最伟大的音乐剧”。

    S classic The Sound of Music has been named the'Greatest Musical of All Time'in a new poll .

  5. 学生评价教师教学(简称学生评教)作为教师发展性评价中他评的重要组成部分,已被广泛使用。

    Students ' Evaluation of Teaching ( SET ) as an important part of teaching evaluation has been widely adopted .

  6. 通过这个系统学生可以直接在系统中进行评教,而且管理员可以汇总评教数据。

    Through this system , students can directly evaluate teaching in the system of assessment , and administrators can collect evaluation data .

  7. 评价可以是个性化的课堂评价语、个性化的作业评价方式或在小组中互评等。

    Evaluation can include the language of individual evaluation in the classroom ; individual evaluation of students'homework and mutual evaluation in the group .

  8. 述中有评,评述结合,既为读者提供了按图索骥的方便,也在评述中显示出了笔者的观点。

    The assessment and review described in the paper not only provides the convenience for readers , but also expresses the author 's point of view .

  9. 学校的研究生教育成绩有目共睹,16篇博士论文在全国博士论文评选中被评为优秀论文。

    The quality of postgraduate research is witnessed in the sixteen doctoral degree dissertations that have been awarded outstanding prizes in nationwide evaluations of Ph. D dissertations .

  10. 这部电影连续五次在视觉&音效调查中被评为最佳电影。这个时间跨度为50年。

    Citizen Kane was voted the greatest film of all time in five successive Sight & Sound 's polls of critics , - a time span of five decades .

  11. 引进群体决策中关于评分数的惩罚因子,由此定义了惩罚评分数和惩罚评分泛函概念。

    By introducing the penalty factor about mark in group decision making , the concepts of the penalty mark number and the penalty mark functional are defined in this paper .

  12. 英国汉普郡的弗里特在性玩具花费上高居榜首。弗里特曾在哈利法克斯银行的一项调查中被评为英国最佳居住地。

    Voted the best place to live in Britain in a poll by the Halifax bank , Fleet , in Hampshire , was top of the table for spending on sex toys .

  13. 客观方法是利用质量屋中技术评枯矩阵与竞争性评枯矩阵确定关联关系,但获得大量数据是很困难的。

    It is an objective method to determine the functional relationship by using technical assesses and competitor analysis matrix in House of Quality ( HoQ ) . However , it is difficult to get a lot of data .

  14. 第二步,采用BP神经网络来填充降维后的用户-项目评估矩阵中的未评分项,再一次降低数据的稀疏程度。

    Secondly , use BP neural network to fill the no-scored items of the matrix , reducing the degree of data sparseness again .

  15. 在分析H学院成立的基本情况后,以个案方式研究了教育实习中的听评课、课外活动和专业研讨会,揭示了日常实习与集中实习相结合的效果。

    After the analysis of the basic situation in the early stage of H College , case study is adopted in the classroom observation and assessment , extra-curricular activities and symposium .

  16. 在绝望中追寻&评拉尔夫·埃利森的小说《看不见的人》

    Searching in Despair & Comment on Ralph Ellison s novel Invisible Man ;

  17. 在同类产品抽检中,被评为优等品

    Be evaluated as of excellent quality during a spot check of similar products

  18. 连续多年在黑河市旅游系统评比中,被评为“诚信单位”、“先进单位”。

    Our agency was continuously awarded " Integrity Unit " and " Advanced Unit " in Heihe city tourism system competition .

  19. 毕业年册中我被评为“最可能成为智力竞赛选手”的人,换句话说,就是最呆的书呆子。

    I was voted for my senior yearbook ' most likely to be an contestant on Jeopardy ' or code for nerdiest .

  20. 在全国民办非企业单位表先评比中,获评“广东省先进民间组织”。

    In the nationwide civil non-enterprise entity appraisal , the college was titled as " the Advanced Civil Organization of Guangdong Province " .

  21. 布里格斯说,让一个孩子整整半年时间都成为划船的奴隶,然后在分析中把他评为懒惰;

    It was very easy , Briggs said , to make a galley-slave of a boy all the half-year , and then score him up idle ;

  22. 中试联评结果表明,国产渣油加氢处理催化剂的活性略优于国外同类催化剂的水平,在设计工艺条件下,可满足工业装置要求,生产出合格的目的产品。

    Physicochemical properties of the new catalysts were greatly improved . The running results showed that activity of new residue hydrotreating catalysts are better than that of imported catalysts .

  23. 针对焊缝射线探伤中的缺陷评片问题,利用数字成像及图像识别技术,对射线探伤底片进行了计算机自动识剐技术的研究,并以此为基础,对典型缺陷进行了识别。

    The automatic recognition system of the X-ray inspection by the digital imaging and image recognition technique is researched to assess the weld defects . Some typical defects are recognized .

  24. 但在实际教学评价中,学生评教工作还存在一定的不足之处,学生评教的有效性存在的问题比较突出。

    But in the field research appraisal , the student comments teaches to work also has certain deficiency , the student comments the valid existence question which teaches quite to be prominent .

  25. 2005年,这位曾出演过电影《五月花》的女星在Sunsilk公司和伦敦城市大学联合开展的一项全国性的调查中,被评为“头发最美”的名人。

    In 2005 , the former Darling Buds Of May star was voted the celebrity with the " best dressed " hair in a nationwide survey by Sunsilk and London 's City University .

  26. 而在消费者杂志which?进行的一项调查中,waitrose被评为最受欢迎的超市。

    Waitrose was rated top supermarket in a survey by which ? , the consumer magazine .

  27. 深圳一家汽车和电池制造商的所有者从人数越来越多的中国百万富翁中脱颖而出,被评为中国大陆首富。美国股神沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)的投资,大幅提振了他的财富。

    The owner of a Shenzhen car and battery maker has emerged from the growing pack of Chinese millionaires to be named the richest person on the mainland after a boost to his wealth driven by an investment by Warren Buffett .

  28. 在中国大学生中开展同伴互评的探索性研究(英文)

    An exploratory study of conducting peer review among Chinese College students ;

  29. 我国普通教育近代化进程中的教育社团评释

    Comment on the Educational Mass Organization in the Modernization of General Education in China

  30. 先用权在专利侵权诉讼中的适用&评逄某诉哈尔滨某药业有限公司侵犯专利权案

    Prior User 's Right in Patent Tort