
  • 网络Queen Street
  1. 没错,在奥克兰的皇后街(QueenStreet)也有普拉达(Pradas)与路易维登(LouisVuitton)的门店,但即便它们的最忠实客户(来自香港与北京)也并非来此购物。

    True , there are Pradas and Louis Vuitton on Auckland 's Queen Street , but even their most loyal customers from Hong Kong and Beijing aren 't here for the shopping .

  2. 大埔综合大楼内的新街市已于九月启用,而皇后街熟食市场亦于十月启用。

    A new market in a multi-functional complex in Tai Po was commissioned in September and a cooked food market in Queen Street was commissioned in october .

  3. 本公司注册地址为香港中环域多利皇后街5至8号鸿基大厦5C室。

    Our registered office is Room5C , Hung Kei Building , Nos.5-8 , Queen Victoria Street , Central , Hong Kong .

  4. 在皇后街角落里,有一家牌社。

    I 'm in this weekly game in this , uh , corner in queens .

  5. 地址:中环,域多利皇后街,12号1楼(近中环街市)

    Address : 1 / F , 12 Queen Victoria Street , Central , Hong Kong Island .

  6. 20世纪50年代中期的时候我还是个孩子,爸爸在多伦多市区司帕蒂娜街与皇后街交汇处的一爿家具店工作。

    During the mid1950s when I was a kid , my dad worked in a furniture shop at Spadina and Queen in downtown Toronto .

  7. 我正琢磨着是返回交易会还是继续往前走,这时我意识到自己正站在司帕蒂娜街与皇后街相交的街角上。

    I was thinking about returning to the show or carrying on my walk when I realized I was standing at the corner of Spadina and Queen .

  8. 这些露点明星脚穿镶有饰钉的过膝长靴,下着黑色皮裤,赤裸上身,坐着摩托车沿着奥克兰市的中央大道“皇后街”巡游。

    The porn stars in studded knee-high boots , black leather pants and little else travelled in a convoy down the city 's main thoroughfare Queen Street .

  9. 所以现在的孩子们想成为篮球明星。像蒂格·伍兹那样的高尔夫球手、电脑虫、电影明星、摇滚明星、选美皇后或华尔街的交易员。

    Today , kids want to be basketball stars , golfers like Tiger Woods , computer nerds , movie stare , rock stars , beauty queens , or traders on Wall Street .