
  1. 秀场模特包括俄罗斯皇室OlgaRomanoff公主和慈善家EllaMountbatten。

    The cast included a Russian royal , Princess Olga Romanoff , and philanthropist Ella Mountbatten .

  2. 他像对待拥有皇室血统的公主般朝她欠了欠身,表示感谢。

    He bowed to her as if she were a princess of royal blood .

  3. 你是英国皇室的二公主,我身为你的姐姐,有资格管你。

    Second , you are the British royal princess , I , as your sister , you are eligible tube .

  4. 韦塞克斯和荷兰皇室的王子和公主等人来到婚宴现场。

    TRH Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima of The Netherlands arrive with TRH the Earl and Countess of Wessex to the Government dinner .