
  1. 1884年,国际子午线大会确立了格林威治标准时间(GMT),即伦敦附近的格林威治皇家气象台(theRoyalObservatoryinGreenwich)的平均太阳时间。

    The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time , referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich , near London .

  2. 英国皇家气象协会的执行长官利兹宾利说道,例如二氧化碳这样的有毒气体的飙升,意味着我们呼吸氧气浓度下降了。

    Increased amounts of toxic gases such as nitrogen dioxide mean there is a lower concentration of oxygen in the air we breathe , said Royal Meteorological Society chief executive Liz Bentley .