
  • 网络Royal Guard;Imperial Guard
  1. 皇家卫队仍在这里执行任务。

    The Danish Royal Guard is on duty .

  2. 这个诺格人随即被帝国皇家卫队的蒂耶斯少校杀害,但是,他行刺仇敌的事迹让他成了一位传奇式的人物。

    The Noghri was in turn killed by Major Tierce of the Imperial Royal Guard , though the Noghri 's killing of a hated enemy made him a legend .

  3. 新郎身着摩纳哥皇家卫队宪兵白色制服。

    The groom wore the white dress uniform of Monaco 's Carabinieri royal guard .

  4. 首先,被解散的皇家卫队的士兵突然在首都街道上开火。

    In the first place the men of the disbanded royal bodyguard suddenly turned loose on to the street of a capital .

  5. 他们坐在镶金的马车上,缓缓进入温沙城堡,检阅了皇家卫队的仪仗队,然后和女王共进午餐。

    They were driven in gold-gilded , horse-drawn carriages to Windsor Castle for a review of the honor guard and then lunch with Queen .

  6. 首相卡梅伦在皇家卫队骑兵阅兵场感受了一下即将会在沙滩排球比赛中会用到的排球的手感。

    Prime Minister David Cameron got to grips with some of the equipment that will be used by athletes competing in the beach volleyball at Horse Guards Parade in London .

  7. 北京皇家卫队冰球队是北京少年冰球联赛的几个球队之一。这个冰球队的总教练马克西蒙认为,近几年来参加球队的人数一直在上升。

    Mark Simon , head coach of the Beijing Imperial Guard Hockey Club , one of several teams in the Beijing Junior Hockey League , says team rosters have been growing in recent years .

  8. 北京皇家卫队冰球队是北京少年冰球联赛的几个球队之一。这个冰球队的副总裁和首席教练马克西蒙认为,近几年来参加球队的人数一直上升。

    Mark Simon , vice president and head coach of the Beijing Imperial Guard Hockey Club , one of several teams in the Beijing Junior Hockey League , says team rosters have been growing in recent years .

  9. 我是皇家禁卫队的列兵

    I 'm a Private in Her Majestys Household Guard .

  10. 在沙滩排球的举办地皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场,倾倒了3千吨的沙子,并安装了1.5万个临时座位。

    In Horse Guards Parade , home of the beach volleyball , 3000 tonnes of sand need to be dumped and 15000 temporary seats erected .

  11. 到达皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场,中国第一夫人受到众多专程而来的粉丝们的热情欢迎。

    Arriving at the Horse Guards Parade , the Chinese first lady enjoyed a warm reception from legions of fans who had gathered to greet the presidential couple .

  12. 在国外人看来这个王国并无变化:皇室婚礼、黄金马车、马蹄得得的皇家骑卫队以及正当权的年轻首相。

    The outside world may see an unvarying kingdom of royal weddings , golden carriages and clip-clopping Horse Guards , with a young prime minister drawn from the old Establishment .

  13. 位于皇家骑兵卫队校场的沙滩排球馆已经为今天的各项开幕赛事做好了准备,将奉献出撩人的视觉盛宴。

    The spectacular beach volleyball stadium on Horse Guards Parade was being prepared for the opening matches today and there was a tantalising taste of what will be on show .

  14. 在军队,哈里王子以威尔士及其在皇家骑兵卫队&皇家海军陆战队装甲团的相当于第二中尉的军衔被人们知晓。

    In the military , Harry is known by the surname Wales and by his rank in the Blues and Royals & that of cornet , equivalent to a second lieutenant .

  15. 英国沙滩排球队也许也紧张起来了,因为沙滩排球赛在皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场举行,临近卡梅伦在唐宁街的官邸。

    Nerves may also be frayed in the Team GB beach volleyball camp , as the event is taking place in Horse Guards Parade next door to Cameron ` s Downing Street home .

  16. 哈里王子的父亲查尔斯国王,曾在皇家空军和海军服务。哈里的长兄威廉王子也是皇家骑兵卫队&皇家海军陆战队装甲团成员。

    The present Harry 's father , Prince Charles , served in the British Air Force and Navy , and his brother , Prince William , is in the Blues and Royals regiment .