
  • 网络royal garden;Imperial Garden
  1. 她走了一整天,太阳下山时她来到一个皇家花园,在闪烁的月光中,她看到园子里挂满了诱人的果子的果树。

    She came to a royal garden , and by the light of the moon she saw that inside there were trees full of beautiful fruit .

  2. 这个典雅的度假村邻近暹粒国王的居停,可以俯瞰皇家花园。其位置交通便利,离旧市集和河畔仅几步之遥。

    The elegant resort is in a prime location next to the King 's Residence in Siem Reap , overlooking the Royal Gardens and within walking distance of the Old Market and river .

  3. 颐和园是中国最大也是保存得最好的皇家花园。

    The summer Palace is the largest and the best pre-served of the imperial gardens in China .

  4. 圣保罗的皇家花园算得上是闹中取静。

    The royal park in S ã o Paulo is a quiet place in the rustling and bustling city .

  5. 里面是卡拉卡瓦国王签署信,他授予奥斯汀可以终身在皇家花园钓鱼的权利。

    Inside was a letter signed by King Kalakaua giving Austin the right to fish in the Royal Park for the rest of his life .

  6. 我以为在皇家花园底经营中,应该一年之中每个月都有花圃;

    I do hold it , in the royal ordering of gardens , there ought to be gardens , for all the months in the year ;

  7. 在1860年第二次鸦片战争时代,北京的圆明园和其他的皇家花园,遭到英法联军的掠夺和焚烧。

    It was pillaged and burned by British and French troops in1860 during the Second Opium War , along with several other imperial gardens in Beijing .

  8. 即使您在去往泰国的旅途中压力重重,位于曼谷国际机场的泰国航空公司皇家花园休息厅也能够帮助您将烦恼一扫而空。

    If your visit to Thailand was particularly stressful , or even if it wasn 't , you will definitely enjoy the Thai Airways Royal Orchid first-class lounge at Bangkok International Airport .