
chūn huà chú lǐ
  • vernalization
  1. 春化处理后,两处理植株茎尖组织DNA甲基化水平都较对照下降;但GA含量明显上升,为对照的2~3倍;

    After vernalization , DNA methylation level in shoot apices under both treatment condition was decreased comparing with control plants , but GA content was increased to 2-3 times of control 's.

  2. 播期及春化处理对洋葱发育特性的影响

    Effects of Different Sowing Dates and Vernalization on Onion Growth Characters

  3. 低温和短日春化处理对小麦幼苗生长锥内脱落酸(ABA)含量的影响

    Effects of vernalization treatment of sort day and low temperature on the ABA content in young spike of Wheat

  4. 在春化处理30d时,Vrn-A1、Vrn-B1和Vrn-D1在各个时期表达量无明显差异,春化处理对表达量的影响不大。

    30 d vernalization treatment at the time , Vrn-A1 , Vrn-B1 and Vrn-D1 expression at various times was no significant difference , vernalization had little effect on expression .

  5. 获得如下主要研究结果:(1)食用百合低温春化处理结果表明:0℃低温处理25d和8℃处理30d为打破休眠的拐点时间。

    The study obtained the following main result : ( 1 ) The low temperature spring processing result of edible lily shows : low temperature processing in 0 ℃ 25 days and processing in 8 ℃ 30 days is the dormancy break time .

  6. 春化处理控制冬小麦的小穗发育

    Vernalization , a Switch in Initiation of Flowering , Promotes Differentiation and Development of Spikelet in Winter Wheat

  7. 低温春化和GA3处理后芥菜发育的生化变化

    Study on Physiological and Biochemical Changes after Low-Temperature Vernalization and GA3 Treatments in Mustard

  8. 种子春化与光周期处理对大白菜花芽分化和抽薹的影响

    Effects of seed vernalization and Photoperiod Treatments on Chinese cabbage flower initiation and bolting

  9. 关于豌豆、蚕豆的春化阶段发育和处理效应问题

    Studies in vernalization stage of peas and broad beans and the effect of vernalization treatment

  10. 本研究对三个发育特性不同的小麦品种进行春化、脱春化处理,经凝胶电泳分析表明,在春化过程中,冬小麦可溶性蛋白质含量不仅增加,而且有新蛋白质产生。

    Three different varieties of wheat in development properties were treated by means of vernalization , devernalization and were analyzed by SDS - PAGE .