
chūn mèng
  • spring dream;transient joy;something that is illusionary and transient
春梦 [chūn mèng]
  • [spring dream;something that is illusionary and transient]春夜的梦。比喻转瞬即逝的好景,也比喻不能实现的愿望

  • 细丝摇柳凝晓空,吴王台榭春梦中。-- 罗隐《江南行》

春梦[chūn mèng]
  1. 果然,没有多久,春便变成了夏,我的春梦作到了头儿。

    Sure enough , not long after , as spring was changing to summer , my spring dream ended .

  2. 从多年前几个孤独的先行者拍出第一批DV纪录片作品,到今天DV似乎成了一种小资的时尚,艺术青年的春梦甚至大众媒体追捧的新宠。

    Since some years ago the first set of DV documentary works were screened by several lonely forth-goers , nowadays DV seems to be fashion of petty bourgeoisie , the dream of youth who devote in art and the cosset of popular media .

  3. 主人春梦中,请稍后再拨!

    The dreamer is surrounded with beauties , please re-dial later !

  4. 红楼春梦好模糊&论多重结构模式中的秦可卿

    Obscure Dreams of Eroticism & On QIN Ke-qing in Multiplex Structural Models

  5. 好像我在高中时候做的春梦一样。

    Like I was in high school , like I was having the naked dream .

  6. 不要等事情已经开始了你在迟迟的讲关于月经了、春梦了。

    Talking about menstruation or wet dreams after they 've already started means you 're too late .

  7. 他的描写第一次世界大战的《战地春梦》堪称世界文学史上描写战争与爱情的杰作。

    His novel A Farewell to Arms describing the First World War is regarded a masterpiece of war and love .

  8. 本文分析评论了《战地春梦》一书中主人公凯瑟琳在战争这一特定的历史环境下为男主人公弗莱德里克所充当的角色&情人与母亲。

    This paper focuses on Catherine in A Farewell to Arms and comments on the roles she performs for Frederic & Lover and Mother .

  9. 这听着可有点像那些保守派基督徒的春梦:自然界就是该这样。

    It feels very much like a sort of conservative Christian wet dream about the way the natural world should work & but doesn 't.

  10. 半夜里他醒来了,惊讶地发现自己在做着一个又一个的春梦。

    In the middle of the night , he woke up and realized to his surprise that he had been having one erotic dream after the other .