
  1. 但是学习音乐对年青的孔祥东来说不总是那么容易。

    But it wasn 't always easy for the young Kong Xiangdong .

  2. 孔祥东说,他这样做是想尝试钢琴演奏的新途径。

    Kong explained that he tried this because he wanted to create something new .

  3. 伴着母亲用手拍的节拍,5岁的孔祥东在纸钢琴上练习。

    The 5-year-old Kong would practise on the paper piano as his mother clapped the rhythm .

  4. 不管孔祥东正在改变他的形象,还是他对音乐进行改革,他都是当今音乐界的先锋。

    Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music , he is a pioneer in music today .