
  • 网络proteus;Greek sea gods
  1. 古希腊海神波塞冬和古罗马海神尼普顿常常被描述成半人半鱼的形象。荷马在讲述奥德修斯的海上征程时提到了塞壬,只可惜他并没有对其外形作具体描述。

    Poseidon and Neptune were often depicted as half-man and half-fish , and Homer mentions the Sirens during the voyage of Odysseu although he fails to give a physical description .

  2. 美杜莎是希腊神话中被海神看中的一个不幸女人。

    Medusa was the unfortunate woman in the Greek myth who was loved by the God of the sea .

  3. 2012年2月11日,马尼拉(菲律宾首都),一名潜水人员装扮成波塞冬(希腊神话中的海神),另一名装扮成小美人鱼在海洋公园水族箱中提前庆祝14日的情人节。

    A diver dressed to look like Poseidon ( R ) , and another dressed as the mermaid Marina , swims during a Valentine 's day event inside an aquarium at the ocean park in Manila Feb 11 , 2012 . Valentine 's day is celebrated on Feb 14 .