
  • 网络Queen Charlotte
  1. 抵达皮克顿(Picton)后,我们下车乘船穿过夏洛特女王峡湾前往千洞湾度假村,这儿既是旅程的起点又是终点。

    At Picton you leave your car and take a boat through Queen Charlotte Sound to the Bay of Many Coves , where this story began and ends .

  2. 温哥华岛西海岸的环太平洋国家公园和夏洛特女王海峡的水域都非常适合进行潜水。

    Try the waters off the Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island 's western coast or in the Queen Charlotte Strait .

  3. 在伦敦中央刑事法院上判处绞刑。但由于文人的强烈反对,他得到了夏洛特女王的赦免并领取皇家养老金直到1737年去世。

    He was sentenced to hang at the Old Bailey before outcry among the literati led to a royal pardon from Queen Charlotte and a royal pension until her death in 1737 .

  4. 抵达布里斯托尔大学后,请你务必持此信向夏洛特女王街的帝王院一楼接待部报到。

    Upon arrival at the City of Bristol College would you please report to the reception on the first floor of Monarch house , on Queen Charlotte Street bringing this letter with you .

  5. 乔治和夏洛特叫女王“甘甘”,每次他们去女王家住,女王都会送他们小礼物。

    The Queen - known to George and Charlotte as ' Gan Gan ' - also leaves out little gifts for her great-grandchildren when they come to stay .