
  1. 威廉王子婚礼瓷器“中国制造”。

    Made in China porcelain for royal wedding .

  2. 不过他俩的关系其实并不亲密——他没有收到凯特和威廉王子婚礼的邀请。

    But never very close - he did not get invite to Kate and Wills " wedding .

  3. 据最新消息,球星大卫贝克汉姆将携明星妻子维多利亚、艾尔顿约翰也将携同性恋伴侣大卫费尼什一同出席威廉王子婚礼。

    Soccer star David Beckham will be there with his pop star wife Victoria . Elton John is attending with partner David Furnish .

  4. 复活节假和威廉王子婚礼假之间只有三个工作日,等于说这三天也请假的话就可以连续休11天了!

    There are just three normal working days between the two Bank Holiday weekends , meaning many could enjoy a break of11 days if they book the time off in between .

  5. 皇室方面表示,威廉王子希望婚礼“盛况空前”,当天街头除了有各种party狂欢,还会有空军飞行表演,以展现最经典最给力的英式庆典。

    The Palace revealed that William wants a ' spectacle " on a grand scale . Street parties around London on the big day and a military fly-over are expected in a ' classic example of what Britain does best . "

  6. 威廉王子的婚礼给你印象最深的是什么?

    What impresses you most in the Prince William 's wedding ?

  7. 你有没有看威廉王子的婚礼呢?

    Did you what Prince William 's wedding last Friday ?

  8. 而此次威廉王子的婚礼将会是1000年以来在威斯敏斯特圣彼得学院教堂举行的第15场王室婚礼。

    This will be the 15th royal wedding conducted during the 1,000-year history of the Collegiate Church of St Peter , Westminster .

  9. 周五早上,设计小组一大早就起床开始为在伦敦跟威廉王子举行婚礼的新剑桥公爵夫人凯瑟琳的婚纱画草图。

    On Friday morning , its team of designers awoke early and began sketching the dress worn by Catherine , the new Duchess of Cambridge , at her wedding to Prince William in London .

  10. 英国哈里王子正努力摆脱他野孩子的形象&而其作为伴郎也将在哥哥威廉王子的婚礼上展现崭新成熟的一面,并接受大家的检验。

    Britain ` s Prince Harry has worked hard to shake off his wild-child image-and his newfound maturity will be tested to the limit when he acts as best man at his brother Prince William ` s wedding .

  11. 受到凯特王妃和威廉王子童话般婚礼的感染,年轻女孩们纷纷来到“公主预备课堂”来学习如何像公主一样优雅。

    They need to learn how to walk elegantly in case they someday pay a formal visit to the prince and princess .

  12. 威廉王子夫妇的婚礼刚刚过去24小时,奥巴马就下达了命令,当时王子夫妇正返回安格西岛,这样威廉王子就可以返回英国皇家空军继续担任搜救直升机飞行员了。

    It was announced just 24 hours later as the couple were returning to Anglesey so Prince William could resume his duties as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot .

  13. 媒体对这位单身王子的感情生活很感兴趣。哈里王子的哥哥威廉王子去年举行婚礼,吸引了全球的目光。

    The media has been enthralled by the love life of the single prince , whose elder brother William married last year in a ceremony that attracted huge global interest .

  14. 凯特王妃给予支持的工作还包括与年轻人一起做慈善。去年4月,全球数百万人观看了凯特嫁给英国王室第二继承人威廉王子的盛大婚礼。

    Other causes to be supported by the woman , who married the second-in-line to the British throne last April in a glittering ceremony watched by millions of people around the world , include charities working with young people .

  15. 大家有没有好奇,威廉王子和凯特的婚礼上,凯特手中持的新娘花束里都有些什么花呢?

    The bride 's bouquet includes Sweet William , in a tribute to her new husband .

  16. 威廉王子和凯特举行婚礼,于是英国人民可以放大假了!连续的四个周末啊!

    Britain will enjoy a bank holiday bonanza because of Prince William 's royal wedding to Kate Middleton , with back-to-back four-day weekends .

  17. 克莱伦斯宫宣布,威廉王子和米德尔顿的婚礼将于四月二十九日(星期五)在威斯敏斯特大教堂举行。

    The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton will take place on Friday , April29th at Westminster Abbey , Clarence House has announced .

  18. 威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿的婚礼三天后就要举行,一些人开始扎帐篷以期待目睹当日的重要场景。

    And with three days to go until the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton , some people have begun camping out for prime viewing spots .

  19. 这对皇室中人气最高的情侣——威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿的婚礼是在全球瞩目下大张旗鼓、其乐融融地举行的。

    The most popular of all Royal couples , Prince Williams and Kate Middleton 's wedding took place with a lot of gaiety and fanfare witnessed live by millions across the globe .

  20. 巴林王储通知英国皇室,由于国内的持续动乱,他不能参加本周举行的威廉王子和米德尔顿的婚礼。

    The Crown Prince of Bahrain has informed the British royal family that he won 't attend the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton this week because of ongoing unrest in Bahrain .

  21. 周一在圣詹姆斯宫皇家礼拜堂举行的洗礼结束后,宾客们在克拉伦斯王府的私人茶会上享用了威廉王子和凯特王妃婚礼上的八层蛋糕中的一层。

    A tier of Prince William and Kate 's eight-tier wedding cake was served to guests at a private tea at Clarence House following the service at Chapel Royal at St James 's Palace Monday .

  22. 据英国媒体报道,威廉王子与凯特德米尔顿的婚礼将在威斯敏斯特大教堂举行,这也是戴安娜王妃举行葬礼的地方。

    It is claimed that Prince William ` s wedding to Kate Middleton will take place at Westminster Abbey , the church where Princess Diana ` s funeral was held , according to UK media reports .

  23. 2011年,在威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿的婚礼上,这名女子就惊艳众人,风头不输他的姐姐。她的新书,关于宴会设计以及食谱搭配已于本周上市。

    The woman , whose appearance at the spectacular 2011 wedding between Kate Middleton and Prince William caused as much of a sensation as the bride herself , has written a recipe and party planning book which hits the shelves this week .

  24. 梅根在婚宴上致辞本身就打破了传统。2011年威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿的婚礼上只有哈里、查尔斯和凯特的父亲马克的致辞,并没有剑桥公爵夫人的致辞。

    Meghan giving a speech in itself was a break of tradition , with Prince William and Kate Middleton 's wedding in 2011 only having speeches from Harry , Charles and Kate 's father Michael - but not the Duchess of Cambridge .