
  • 网络Queens Counsel;Silk;Crown counsel;king's counsel
  1. 作为皇家律师的A.克拉克先生将出庭为被告进行辩护

    Mr. A. Clark QC will appear on behalf of the defendant

  2. 约瑟夫·凯(JosephKay1821&1878)是英国经济学家、比较教育学家、皇家律师。

    Joseph Kay ( 1821-1878 ) is an economist , comparative educationist , royal lawyer of England .

  3. 《皇家律师》律师、法律、道德困境,“私与公的重合”,“追求捍卫的准则信念和牺牲抛弃的准则信念”······《皇家律师》是另一部大受欢迎的英国电视剧。

    Barristers , the laws , the ethical dilemmas , " the overlap between the personal and the professional , " " principles fought for and principles sacrificed ... " Silk is another popular British TV drama .

  4. 出庭律师公会当选主席、皇家大律师迈克尔托德(MichaelToddQC)表示:交流计划无论在增进对比较法律制度的了解和认知,还是在分享和促进共同价值观方面都扮演着关键角色。

    Michael Todd QC , chairman-elect of the Bar Council said : Exchange schemes play a vital role both in raising understanding and awareness of comparative legal systems and in sharing and promoting common values .