
  • 网络fluffy;Loewy
  1. 在NBA交易截止日两周之前,路威-威廉姆斯站在与火箭队对立的阵营。

    Two weeks before the NBA trade deadline , a rival player called Lou Williams .

  2. 身穿金•琼斯(KimJones)设计的路易威登(LouisVuitton,路威铭轩旗下另一知名品牌)潮装亮相T型台的模特都是清一色的年轻小伙。

    At another LVMH house , Louis Vuitton , the models who wore the neat collection sent out by designer Kim Jones were all young lads .

  3. 尽管从电饭煲制造商到路威铭轩(LVMH)等奢侈品品牌,几年来许多跨国公司将营销目标对准了中国的海外游客,但中国移民人口吸引的商业注意力要少一些。

    While many multinationals , from rice cooker manufacturers to luxury brands like LVMH , have been targeting Chinese tourists overseas for several years , immigrant populations have attracted less commercial attention .

  4. 由亚历桑德罗•萨托利(AlessandroSatori)设计的伯鲁提系列服装,让人念念不忘,但印象最深的是其母公司路威铭轩(LVMH)的营销策略——努力吸引那些不差钱、但对时尚趋之如骛的年长男士。

    Berluti 's clothes , designed by Alessandro Satori , are impressive enough but most striking of all is the strategy of owners LVMH , gunning hard for an older , wealthier but style-hungry customer .

  5. 路威在三楼守护的就是这东西。

    That 's what Fluffy 's guarding on the third floor .

  6. 没有人能过得了路威这一关。

    Ain 't no one gonna get past Fluffy .

  7. 但是海格,不管路威在看守什么,那就是斯内普要偷的东西。

    But Hagrid , whatever Fluffy 's guarding Snape 's trying to steal it !

  8. 海格决不会告诉任何人制服路威的办法……决不会的……可是……

    Hagrid would never tell anyone how to get past Fluffy ... never ... but -

  9. 消息称,路威公司正在考虑接受来自一家娱乐公司的战略投资。

    The story asserts that Rovio is considering taking a strategic investment from an entertainment company .

  10. 他把笛子装进口袋,准备用它去对付路威——他觉得自己没有心情唱歌给那只大狗听。

    He pocketed it to use on Fluffy - he didn 't feel much like singing .

  11. 谁告诉你们路威的?

    Who told you about Fluffy ?

  12. 路威公司目前正计划拍摄一部关于“愤怒的小鸟”的电影,并在芬兰之外的地区增加办公地点。

    Rovio is planning to make an Angry Birds movie and to open offices outside of Finland .

  13. 赫敏都要把耳朵贴在门上,听听路威是不是还在里面低声咆哮。

    and Hermione would press their ears to the door to check that Fluffy was still growling inside .

  14. 我猜想,除了路威,大概还有其他机关在守护着那块石头,很可能有一大堆魔法巫术,

    I reckon there are other things guarding the stone apart from Fluffy , loads of enchantments , probably ,

  15. “我们不知道你能不能告诉我们,除了路威以外,守护魔法石的还有什么机关?”

    We were wondering if you could tell us what 's guarding the Sorcerer 's Stone apart from Fluffy .

  16. 他们不能再耽搁时间了,斯内普大概已经在奏音乐,哄路威入睡了。

    They couldn 't afford to waste any more time , Snape might even now be playing Fluffy to sleep .

  17. 他很可能什么都知道了——似乎只除了奇洛的魔法和怎样通过路威。

    He probably knew everything - except , it seemed , Quirrell 's spell and how to get past Fluffy .

  18. “只有你一个人知道怎样通过路威,是吗,海格?”哈利急切地问,

    You 're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy . aren 't you , Hagrid ? said Harry anxiously .

  19. 不过随着时间一天天地过去,似乎路威仍然在那扇紧锁的门后面,安然无恙地活着。

    Yet the days crept by , and there could be no doubt that Fluffy was still alive and well behind the locked door .

  20. “说实话,我们有几件事情想问问你,”哈利说,“是关于守护魔法石的机关,除了路威……”

    There are a few things we wanted to ask you , as a matter of fact , said Harry , about what 's guarding the Stone apart from Fluffy .

  21. 他们刚来到那道把路威与学校其他地方隔开的门口,麦格教授就突然出现了,这次她忍不住大发脾气。

    No sooner had they reached the door separating Fluffy from the rest of the school than Professor McGonagall turned up again and this time , she lost her temper .

  22. “三个头的路威?”“是啊——它是我的——是从我去年在酒店里认识的一个希腊佬儿手里买的——我把它借给邓布利多去看守——”

    Fluffy ? Yeah - he 's mine - bought him off a Greek chappie I met in the pub las ' year - I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the ... eagerly . Yes ?

  23. 如果你这么做,你可以把法器的攻击奖励和伤害奖励增加到这个种族典范之路威能中。

    When you wield a magic version of such an implement , you can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of your racial paragon path powers that have the implement keyword .

  24. 在一个星期二的晚上,在亚特兰大母校高中的体育馆完成训练后,最佳第六人候选人路威-威廉姆斯接到了告知自己被交易到火箭队的电话。

    As the Sixth Man of the Year candidate was completing a workout in his old high school gym on a Tuesday evening in Atlanta , he received the phone call about the trade to the Rockets .