
  1. 稳定低液限粉土路面底基层的施工研究

    Study on Construction of the Stabilized Low-Liquid-Limit Silt Soil Road Subbase

  2. 水泥稳定碎石土在路面底基层施工中的应用和施工特点

    Application and Construction Characteristics of Cement Stabilized Rock Soil in Highway Subbase

  3. 天然砂砾土在高速公路路面底基层中的应用

    Application of Natural Sandy Gravel to Expressway Pavement Subbase

  4. 电石灰在路面底基层中的应用

    The Application of Acetylene to Pavement Subbase

  5. 介绍了利用电石灰代替石灰做路面底基层的配合比组成设计和施工方法,得出结论:根据工程所在地的材料特点,电石灰可以作为二级路面的一种基层形式推广使用。

    The paper introduced the design and construction method of mix composition for acetylene instead of lime for reference .

  6. 路面底基层材料二灰砂后期强度的研究

    A Study on the After Strength of Lime_ Fly Ash and Grains of Stone as the Material for Subbase of Pavement

  7. 粘粒含量很少的低液限粉土或含砂低液限粉土做稳定土路面底基层,目前施工实践较少。

    At present , there is seldom construction application of the stabilized earth road subbase using low liquid limit silt soil or sandy silt soil with few fine clay fractions .

  8. 通过无侧限抗压强度的测定,研究了钢渣粉固化泥岩碎石用于高等级公路路面底基层材料的可行性。

    By the determination of unconfined compressive strength , the possibility of crushed mudstone stabilized by steel slag powder used as road subbase material in high grade highways is researched .

  9. 本文对比分析了水泥稳定土和水泥稳定碎石土两种路面底基层试验段施工情况,着重介绍粉砂土、砂土等地区水泥稳定碎石土底基层施工工艺的特点和有关注意事项。

    Through the comparison and analysis of the test roads between the cement stabilized soil highway subbase and cement stabilized macadam soil highway subbase , great emphasis have been put on technological characteristics and key points of cement stabilized rock soil in subbase .

  10. 本文着重介绍了粉煤灰在高级路面底基层中的应用,根据灰土成型机理,以及初期强度低、后期强度高、收缩性小的特点,详细描述了施工工艺和质量控制的办法。

    The article introduces the application of powdered coal ash to high quality pavement subbase . It also describes the construction craft and quality control method according to podsol 's shaping mechanism , low intensity in initial stage , high intensity on late stage and its small shrinkage .

  11. 通过对高速公路路面基层底基层中的施工实例,论证了检测含石量是控制实际最大干密度的有效快捷手段,证实无机结合料含石量与最大干密度存在线性关系。

    Combined with the construction practice , the paper proved the linear relations between stone content and maximum dry density .

  12. 浅述沥青路面冷再生底基层施工工艺

    On Construction Craft of Cold Regenerative Bed of Asphalt Pavement

  13. 浅探柔性路面级配碎石底基层的质量控制

    Quality control on gravel-sorted subbase of the flexible pavement

  14. 废弃尾矿料在路面(底)基层中的应用

    Application of WKL to pavement subbase

  15. 固化类路面基层和底基层技术规程公路路面基层施工技术规范

    Technical specification for road bases and subbases with chemical stabilization Technical code for construction of highway roadbed

  16. 结合施工实践,探讨高速公路柔性路面级配碎石底基层的质量控制的方法及在施工过程中应注意的问题。

    Through the practice discussion is made on the methods of the quality control on gravel-sorted subbase of the flexible pavement during the construction .

  17. 浅谈水泥稳定碎石路面基层(底基层)的施工质量控制基于底边界层研究的航道回淤机制分析

    Simple Talking about Control of Construction Quality of Base ( Subbase ) of Cement-Stabilized Macadam Pavement Study on Near Bottom Dynamics and Sediment Processes in Turbidity Maximum

  18. 结合佛开高速公路施工实践,介绍柔性路面级配碎石底基层施工质量控制的做法和经验。

    Combining the construction practice of Fokai Express Highway , it introduces the measures and experience of construction quality control for the graded crushed-stone base course of flexible pavement .

  19. 尤其在缺乏优质粒料的地区,采用乳化沥青&半刚性材料混合料做路面的基层和底基层,是比较经济合理的。

    Especially in the areas which are lack of high-quality granules , it is very economic and reasonable to make use of the semi-rigid base mixed with emulsified asphalt .

  20. 本文主要是研究利用水泥为添加剂稳定废旧沥青路面材料修筑路面基层和底基层的可行性与技术问题。

    This paper primary investigates the feasibility and technique of cement stabilized recycled asphalt mixture using in base and subbase course .

  21. 无粘结粒料是一种应用广泛的路面材料,至今仍然广泛用于国外柔性路面的基层和底基层。

    Non-cohere granular stone is widely used as a kind of material of road pavements , and it 's also widely used in base or sub-base of flexible road surface in overseas by now .

  22. 水泥路面以其强度高、承载力大,对路面基层和底基层强度要求低,在公路建设中得到广泛应用。

    With the advantage of high strength , big bearing capacity , low requirement to the base course and road subbase , Cement concrete pavement has been used widely in the highway construction .