
  • 网络Shandong Literature
  1. 《汉语诗歌的音律原则》,《山东文学》(下半月刊),2008年3月,第3期。

    Principles of Sound and Rhythm of Chinese Poetry , Shandong Literature ( The2nd Issue of the Month ), 2008 ( 3 ) .

  2. 试论山东文学的总体特征

    A Tentative Study of the Overall Characteristics of Literature in Shandong

  3. 抗日文学写作是山东文学的一种传统。

    The Anti-Japanese literature writings are a tradition in Shandong literary world .

  4. 与新时期山东文学研究越来越走向深入的研究现状相比,十七年山东作家们的研究比较薄弱。

    Comparing with the present study situation of the new literature in Shandong , which had been gone in deep , the study of Shandong writers is frailer jet .

  5. 山东文学所体现的美学精神的基本内核,是强烈的社会参与意识及对于现实生活和普通人生命运的执着关注。

    The aesthetic kernel manifested in Shandong 's literature is the strong sense of social participation and the consistent concern over real life and the destinies of average people .

  6. 民族文学视野中的山东抗日文学

    The Anti-Japanese Literature in Shandong Province In the Horizon of the National Literature