
shān táng
  • Mountain pond;pool;pond on a hill
山塘 [shān táng]
  • [pond on a hill] 山中积水的池塘

山塘[shān táng]
  1. 走进山塘,就是走进了苏州久远的历史;

    Walking into Shantang is like into Suzhou ancient history ;

  2. 山塘小水库蚌鱼混养模式的结构优化混合肥料营养钵压制机

    Structural optimization of polyculture model of fish-mussel in small-scale reservoirs

  3. 山塘历史街区旅游商圈,重点开发了金阊特色精品旅游路线;

    Shantang historical streets tourism circle focus on developing Jinchang-characteristics high-quality tourist routes ;

  4. 由于山区连续降雨,山塘的水位猛涨。

    Due to continuous rain , the water level of the ponds in the mountain has increased rapidly .

  5. 七里长堤伴着七里长河,山塘历史街区的价值在于它的历史人文和传统风貌。

    The seven-li dike accompanying the seven-li river , Shantang Historical Street Area 's value lies in its history and culture and traditional features .

  6. 苏州是个水乡,河道多,桥多,而山塘街是最具苏州街巷特征的典型。

    Suzhou is a water , river , bridge , and Shan Tong Street , Suzhou is the most typical features of streets and alleys .

  7. 《玉蜻蜓》中金贵升与青年女尼志贞就是在山塘的法华庵里结识的;

    " Jade Dragonfly " Jingui up with the young nuns in Shan Tong Chi Ching of France and China to get to know the Anli ;

  8. 为此,居民群众和社会各界强烈呼吁尽快实施山塘保护性修复工程。

    For that the residents and all walks of life strongly appealed to government to implement protection rehabilitation project for Shantang Street as soon as possible .

  9. 抓好山塘景区与虎丘景区、枫桥景区、苏州古城的联动,同时注重与商贸旅游、休闲旅游、健康旅游、生态旅游的互动,实现资源共享、互利互赢。

    At the same time , it focuses on interaction of business travel , leisure tourism , health tourism , eco-tourism sharing resources , mutual benefit and win-win .

  10. 它中间是山塘河,山塘街则紧傍河的北侧,通过一座座石桥与另一侧的街道连接。

    It is among the Shan River , Shan Tong Jin Bang Street is on the north side of the river , through a stone seat and the other side of the street connection .

  11. 山塘街历来还是举行丰富多彩的民俗活动的地方,什么龙舟赛会以及各种庙会、节会、花会往往都在此间进行。

    Shan Tong Street is always held a variety of folk activities , what will be dragon boat race , as well as various temple fairs , festivals , new developments have often carried out here .

  12. 山塘街还被写进不少民间传说和文艺作品之中,苏州弹词《玉蜻蜓》、《三笑》、《白蛇传》就都写到它。

    Shan Tong Street , was also included in a lot of folklore and literary and artistic works , Suzhou storytelling ," Jade Dragonfly " and " three laugh ," and " White Snake " is written on it .

  13. 本文根据50余座山塘水库的泥沙实测数据,应用逐步回归分析方法,建立了土壤侵蚀模数数学模型。

    According to data obtained in a field survey of 50 reservoirs and ponds , a mathematical model of modulus of soil erosion was established by using the method of progressive regression analysis The equation shows that the major effective factors of soil erosion are .