
  1. 《山经》以五方山川为纲,记述的内容包括古史、草木、鸟兽、神话、宗教等。

    Taking the mountains of five orientation as the key link , the content of the mountain includes puranas , vegetation , animals and birds , mythology , religions , etc.

  2. 《山海经》的《山经》和《海经》各成体系,成书的时代也不一样。《山经》涉及巫术较多,记载了海内名山大川、动植物产、祯祥怪异等内容。

    In this book , Shah Jing and Hai Jing form their own specific systems accord-ingly , while they were finished in different periods , Share , Zing contains the descrip-tion of famous mountains and great rivers , propagation and minerals on the main-land .