
Huá xià wén huà
  • Chinese culture
  1. 它代表华夏文化核心区的出现。

    It represents the emergence of the core area of Chinese culture .

  2. 华夏文化的未来并不仰其鼻息。

    And the future of Chinese culture does not depend on it .

  3. 孔子的学术风格是坚定保留古已有之的华夏文化精神。

    Confucian academic style was to retain firmly Chinese old cultural spirit .

  4. 汉语和文字亦是华夏文化的重要特征。

    Chinese language and writing is also an important feature of Chinese culture .

  5. 它积淀着两千多年华夏文化审美的精华。

    It contains the soul of the cultural taste for over two thousands years .

  6. 他们也就很难很深入华夏文化。

    It is hard for them to have thorough appreciation of the Chinese culture .

  7. 巍巍昆仑,万山之祖,乃华夏文化发祥圣域。

    Lofty Kunlun Mountains , the ancestor of mountains , Chinese culture is originates this saint territory .

  8. 竹与华夏文化

    Bamboo and Chinese civilization

  9. 华夏文化源远流长,历史文化村镇在祖国大地上星罗棋布。

    Chinese culture has a long history , historic villages and towns dotted the land in the motherland .

  10. 由羌族先民创造的华夏文化,对中国统一多民族国家的完成起到不可替代的绝对性的贡献。

    The Huaxia Culture created by the qiang ancestors made absolute and irreplaceable contributions to the Chinese unity .

  11. 英语和汉语、英美文化与华夏文化以及他们的差异是我讨论的主题之一。

    English and Chinese , English and American culture , and Chinese culture and their differences are our topics .

  12. 华夏文化精神的价值指向是血族的“生生”,即指向血族的生存繁衍。

    The value direction of Chinese cultural spirit refers to the " Continuous development of life " of the Chinese bloodline .

  13. 楚汉漆器装饰纹样有着鲜明的民族地域文化,是由华夏文化和东夷文化融汇而成的综合性文化。

    Chu lacquer decorative patterns have a distinct national , regional culture , regional culture is the embodiment of Chu and Han .

  14. 论非语言因素语境在文学翻译中的作用&《傲慢与偏见》中译本实例分析华夏文化模式对于海外传说的误谈、偏见及加工

    On the Effect of Non-linguistic Context on Literary Translation Misunderstanding , Preconception and Revising about Seaside Folks by Ancient China Cultural Model

  15. 渭河古文化区中令人神往的天水&兼论渭水是孕育华夏文化的神奇地域

    Tianshui , located in the Ancient Cultural Area of of Weihe River Valley & A mysterious Region Giving Birth to Chinese Culture

  16. 石文化作为一种文化现象是华夏文化的重要内容,观赏石具有较高的收藏价值及商品经济价值。

    As a cultural phenomenon , fancy stone with fairly high collective and commercial value is an important content of chinese culture .

  17. 吸收西方文化精粹之后的华夏文化将成为21世纪以后世界统一的思想和文化,她将指导人类社会天人合一、道法自然,运筹帷幄、万世不竭,持续发展、奔向大同。

    Huaxia Culture absorbing the western culture will be the same thinking and culture after twenty - one century in the world .

  18. 巴楚文化被誉为华夏文化、东方文化、乃至世界文的重要一支。

    Bachu Culture is an important constituent part of the Huaxia Culture , the Oriental Culture as well as the world 's culture .

  19. 本文从文化的角度入手首先对文化进行概述,进而对华夏文化和英美文化作了描述,并对中西方的文化差异做了比较。

    From the perspective of culture , this paper firstly described Chinese culture and American culture , and then analyzed their culture differences .

  20. 汉文化是华夏文化的杰出代表,汉代的画像石文化是一项丰富特色的艺术遗产。

    Han culture is an outstanding representative of the Chinese culture , the han dynasty grave fresco culture is a unique art rich heritage .

  21. 青海地区民间体育赛事为青海独有的一种本土文化,具有极高的民族民间文化特征,也体现了民族族文化与华夏文化的渊源关系。

    A native culture and folk sports events in Qinghai area for the Qinghai unique cult e relationship between national culture and Chinese culture .

  22. 华夏文化的发展与扩大是在汉族与周边民族不断交流、融合和整合过程中得以实现的。

    Chinese cultural development and expansion of the Han with its neighboring nations in the constant communication , integration and consolidation process can be realized .

  23. 从根本上说是华夏文化理想、人生哲学和审美传统转变的外在体现。

    Basically speaking , this is the external expression for the conversion of ancient Chinese culture , ideals , life philosophy and traditional art tastes .

  24. 中医是华夏文化不可分割的一部分,为振中华做出了巨大的贡献。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) is an integral part of Chinese culture . It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China .

  25. 由此也完成了华夏文化中心向秦汉汉族文化中心的转型。

    Thus the sediment and type-transforming from the centre the Chinese culture to the centre of the Han culture in Qin and Han periods were finished .

  26. 对华夏文化与奥运精神以及华夏体育文化与奥运文化的交汇、融合等问题进行探讨和研究。

    We focuses on the intersection and blending of Chinese culture and the Olympic spirit and as well the culture of Chinese sports and the Olympic culture .

  27. 古蜀文化作为中华独立起源的文化之一,应该区别与中原华夏文化等来对待。

    The ancient Shu culture takes one of Chinese independent origin cultural , should distinguish and the area south of Yellow River Chinese culture and so on treats .

  28. 在译介华夏文化时,中国译者应该坚持正确的文化身份,并采用合适的翻译方法,以便保留中国文化的民族特色。

    While translating , translators must adhere to right cultural identity and adopt proper translation methods so to keep the national flavor and features of the Chinese culture .

  29. 唐诗英译是汉语诗歌英译最具代表性的高雅文学翻译实践,是展示悠久的华夏文化和辉煌的唐朝文化的桥梁。

    As a bridge between Chinese culture and Western culture , Tang Poetry translation into English is the most typical and elegance-based work in Chinese – English translation .

  30. 正是华夏文化和草原文化这两种完全不同的文化互相冲突的结果,就形成了一个独特的、有两重性格的赵文化。

    It is just the result of the clash between Cathaysian culture and Prairie culture , these two completely different cultures that forms a unique and double-character Zhao Culture .