
  1. 星期三那3颗球中的一颗被打爆了。

    And one of those three on Wednesday was positively crushed .

  2. 虽说他当场看到夏绿蒂对他颇有情意,因此觉得这事十拿九稳可以成功,可是从星期三那场冒险以来,他究竟不敢太鲁莽了。

    for though feeling almost secure , and with reason , for Charlotte had been tolerably encouraging , he was comparatively diffident since the adventure of Wednesday .

  3. 过了星期三,那只能另请他人。

    After wednesday , I will have to figure out something else .

  4. 三点钟那趟火车准点到达。

    The three o'clock train arrived on the dot .

  5. 地狱都没有像金州勇士的第三节那般狂暴。

    Hell hath no fury like the Golden State Warriors in the third quarter .

  6. 第三,那当然是工价的低廉。

    In the third place , of course , their wages are very low .

  7. 约三33那领受他见证的,就盖上印,证明神是真的。

    Jn . 3:33 He who receives His testimony has sealed that God is true .

  8. 如你再买二倍(成本是9.35了)或三倍那成本更低了。

    If you are bought again duple ( cost is 9.35 ) or 3 times that cost is lower .

  9. 西三25那行不义的,必受不义的报应,并没有偏待人的事。

    Col.3:25 For he who does unrighteously will receive what he unrighteously did , and there is no respect of persons .

  10. 根据全城的目击者的说法,至少有三个那东西。好吧,他们不怕被看见。

    According to sightings all over town there are at least three of these things . well , they 're not shy about being seen .

  11. 她丈夫陪她看了三次那场电影,然后让她保证不再去看了。

    12-11 Her husband went with her three times to see the film , and after that asked her to promise not to go any more .

  12. 仅仅经过三天那使人心醉神迷的工作,帝国大厦和克莱斯勒大厦等地标性建筑已经从一群较矮的建筑中高耸而出。

    Landmarks including the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building can be seen towering above smaller buildings after just three days in his spellbinding creation .

  13. 走在大街上,你对一靓女一步三回头,那就是她“catchyoureye”,也就是她吸引了你的注意力。

    If someone catches your eye , that means that they have attracted your attention .

  14. 一位接近李泽楷的顾问表示,李泽楷的商业兴趣主要有三块,那就是电信、房地产和金融服务ing上述保险业务属于这个范围。

    Richard Li has three main business interests telecoms , property and financial services according to one close adviser , so the ing insurance arm would fit with that .

  15. 我花了三天准备那次考试。

    It took me three days to prepare for the examination .

  16. 三对伴侣那一对感情最深厚呢?

    Out of the three couples which one has the closest relationship ?

  17. 因为第三者插足那对夫妇离婚了。他离了婚,我也离了婚。

    The couple divorced because there was another person came between them .

  18. 那是我第三次参观那地方了。

    That was the third time that I had visited the place .

  19. 第三生产队那片高产田靠近公路。

    The third production team 's high-yielding land abuts on the high-way .

  20. 最后我们其中只有三个人参加那活动。

    It ended up with only three of us going to the activity .

  21. 我有个儿子,读三年级。那是豆。

    I have a boy in the third grade . it 's beans .

  22. 三里屯那条街上有很多酒吧可供选。

    We have a lot of choices in San Li Tun bar street .

  23. 到大三我就那男的拉。

    To big three I that male pulling .

  24. 越狱三天后,那名罪犯仍然在淘。

    The criminal was still at large three days after he escaped from prison .

  25. 你得用那个,三个箭头那档

    Use the -- it 's three arrows .

  26. 我们以十二比三赢得了那场橄榄球赛。

    We won the rugby game by12points to3 .

  27. 像是纽马克三点半那场比赛哪一方赢?

    Like the 3:30 winner at Newmarket ?

  28. 就是在市中心谋杀三个护士那案子。

    Murder of three nurses in midtown .

  29. 这三件干洗那两件送去洗衣店

    These three are.These two are laundry .

  30. 不到三周之后那乌鸦又出现在我梦里…

    Wasn 't three weeks later when the crow came back to me in a dream