
  • 网络Delta wetlands
  1. 黄河三角洲湿地不同植被群落下土壤养分含量特征

    Soil Nutrient Contents in Yellow River Delta Wetlands with Different Plant Communities

  2. 黄河三角洲湿地资源及其生态特征分析

    On the Natural Resources and Ecological Characteristics of the Yellow River Delta Wetlands

  3. 基于遥感与GIS的辽河三角洲湿地资源变化及驱动力分析

    An analysis of changes and driving forces of Wetland Using RS and GIS in Liaohe River Delta

  4. 基于AHP法的辽河三角洲湿地保护对策研究

    Study on the protection measures of the Liaohe River delta wetland based on AHP

  5. 基于AHP法的黄河三角洲湿地生态环境质量评价

    The Environmental Quality Appraisal of the Wetland on the Yellow River Delta by AHP Method

  6. 利用遥感和GIS技术,在建立辽河三角洲湿地资源分类系统基础上,对该区湿地资源现状与分布特征进行研究。

    Based on the classification system of wetlands , the present situation and distribution characteristics are studied through RS and GIS techniques .

  7. 按照《Ramsar公约》和《中国湿地调查纲要》以及结合中国湿地分类系统和方法对黄河三角洲湿地类型进行了三级划分,并分别概述了各类湿地的基本特征。

    According to the classification system and methods in Ramsar Convention , Investigation Outline of Wetlands in China and other classification systems , the wetlands in Yellow river delta is classified by three times , and their distribution , areas and major characters are outlined respectively .

  8. 利用PLFAs分析得到的是土壤微生物结构差异,该方法侧重对微生物群落的组成和结构进行研究,初步揭示了春、秋季黄河三角洲湿地典型植被的不同深度土壤微生物群落的结构特征和差异。

    This method focuses on the composition and structure of the microbial communities . Our analysis using PLFAs preliminarily demonstrated the structural characteristics and difference of the microorganisms at different soil depths of typical plant communities in the spring and fall seasons in the Yellow River Delta wetland .

  9. 黄河三角洲湿地区域生态风险评价

    Regional Ecological Risk Assessment of Wetland in the Huanghe River Delta

  10. 黄河三角洲湿地面临的问题及其保护

    Crisis of Wetlands in the Yellow River Delta and its Protection

  11. 辽河三角洲湿地资源与区域持续发展

    Study on Wetland Resources and Regional Sustainable Development in Liaohe Delta

  12. 辽河三角洲湿地生态旅游资源评价与开发

    Evaluation and development of wetland eco-tourism resources in Liaohe River Delta

  13. 基于遥感的辽河三角洲湿地生态系统服务价值评估

    Value evaluation on ecosystem function of wetland in Liaohe River Delta

  14. 长江三角洲湿地现状与保护研究

    On the wetlands Status quo and protection in Yangtse River Delta

  15. 辽河三角洲湿地景观的水文调节与防洪功能

    Hydrological Adjustment and Flooding Control of Wetlands in the Liaohe Delta

  16. 黄河三角洲湿地景观格局动态变化分析

    Study on Dynamic Changes of Wetland Landscape Pattern in Yellow River Delta

  17. 环渤海海平面上升与三角洲湿地保护

    Sea level rising around Bohai Sea and deltaic wetlands protection

  18. 黄河三角洲湿地资源及可持续利用对策

    Wetland Resources and Sustainable Utilization Countermeasures in Yellow River Delta

  19. 黄河三角洲湿地资源及生物多样性研究

    Study on the Wetland Resource and Biodiversity in the Yellow River Delta

  20. 黄河三角洲湿地生态环境现状的调查研究

    Research on Wetland Ecological Environment of The Yellow River Delta

  21. 黄河三角洲湿地生态补偿

    A Study of the Eco-compensation in Yellow River Delta Swamp

  22. 黄河三角洲湿地主导生态服务功能价值估算

    Value Estimates of The Dominant Ecosystem Services in Yellow River Delta Wetland

  23. 现代黄河三角洲湿地动态变化及保护对策

    Dynamics of wetland and protection measures for the modern Yellow River Delta

  24. 辽河三角洲湿地生态系统健康评价

    Assessment of wetland ecosystem health in the Liaohe River Delta

  25. 黄河三角洲湿地植被研究现状及存在的问题

    Research Status and Problems of Wetland Vegetation in the Yellow River Delta

  26. 辽河三角洲湿地景观格局对养分去除功能影响的模拟

    Effect of Wetland Landscape Pattern on Nutrient Reduction in the Liaohe Delta

  27. 黄河三角洲湿地保护和油田开发的协调发展

    Yellow River delta swamp protection and the concord progress with oil field development

  28. 环渤海三角洲湿地资源研究

    Deltaic wetlands in Bohai Sea : resources and development

  29. 黄河三角洲湿地景观边界变化及其对土壤性质的影响

    Landscape Change and Its Effects on Soil Properties in the Yellow River Delta

  30. 黄河三角洲湿地生态特征变化及可持续性管理对策

    Ecological Character Changes and Sustainability Management of Wetlands in the Yellow River Delta