
  • 网络Hauts Plateaux;Hauts-Plateux
  1. 上高原后,与C组相比,H及Z组的血红蛋白有增长现象,但不具有统计学意义(P0.05);X及D组的血红蛋白有明显降低现象(P0.01)。

    On the plateau , compared with C , H and Z increase hemoglobin group phenomenon , but not statistically significant ( P 0.05 ); X and D groups had significantly lower hemoglobin phenomenon ( P 0.01 ) .

  2. 结果表明:20世纪80年代提出的500hPa层次上高原东北侧“西正东负”少雨流型的特征在850~70hPa整层大气中仍然存在。

    The results are as follows : 1 The character of less rain flow pattern of " west positive and east negative " brought forward in 1980 ′ s of last century is not only exist on 500 hPa but on the whole atmosphere ( 850 ~ 70 hPa ) .

  3. 中国是世界上高原湖泊最多的国家。

    China boasts the world 's largest number of lakes on plateaus .

  4. 身后的道路从河谷爬上高原。

    Behind me was a road climbing out of a river valley .

  5. 河北坝上高原栗钙土发生与分类的初步探讨

    Preliminary study on the genesis and classification of chestnut soils in Hebei Plateau

  6. 河北省坝上高原风蚀沙化遥感监测及防治对策

    The Remote Sensing Monitoring of Wind Erosion Induced Desertification in Bashang Plateau , Hebei Province

  7. 河北坝上高原土壤风蚀物垂直分布的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the vertical distributions of wind dust over Bashang plateau , Hebei Province

  8. 冀西北坝上高原豆科作物固氮培肥效应研究

    Study on the Effect of Legume Nitrogen Fixation and Fertility Betterment on the Bashang Plateau

  9. 这些马又累又病,不可能登上高原。

    They were tired and ill and they could not walk up to the plateau .

  10. 冀北、冀西北坝上高原山区为未发现区。

    The north and northwest plateau and mountain areas belong to the district without damaging .

  11. 冀西北坝上高原冬麦春播产量影响因子研究

    Influential factors of yield of winter wheat varieties sowed in spring in northwest plateau of Hebei Province

  12. 坝上高原土壤&植物系统莜麦综合保水增产措施研究

    Study on Comprehensive Measures of Water-protecting and Yield-increasing in Naked Oat in Soil-plant System in Bashang Plateau

  13. 他们把黄河水引上高原,使300公亩棉田获得丰收。

    They have lifted water from the Yellow River onto the high land and reaped a good cotton harvest on a 300-acre tract .

  14. 从豌豆提取的烯醇酶对氟化物敏感。冀西北坝上高原豆科作物固氮培肥效应研究

    Enolase isolated from peas was sensitive to fluoride . Study on the Effect of Legume Nitrogen Fixation and Fertility Betterment on the Bashang Plateau

  15. 河北丰宁坝上高原寒区抗灾补墒灌溉基本途径

    The basic way of irrigation for resisting drought and supplementing soil moisture in the plateau cold area of bashang , Fengning county , Hebei Province

  16. 首次利用多因素评判地势起伏的方法,利用模糊综合评判模型对陕北黄上高原地貌与其基底古样式的非耦合关系进行分析,提出该非耦合关系为较好级别,其隶属度为0.3308。

    The unconformability between two sides has been analysed and belongs to better-level , the degree of subordination is 0.3308 through the fuzzy synthetic judgement on multi-factors .

  17. 黄上高原是我国生态环境最为脆弱的地区之一,植被恢复是该地区生态环境建设的重要途径。

    Loess Plateau is one of the most fragile areas of ecological environment of China , vegetation restoration is an important way of ecological environment construction in this area .

  18. 豆科/禾本科间作的氮铁营养效应及对结瘤固氮的影响冀西北坝上高原豆科作物固氮培肥效应研究

    Effects of Legume / cereal Intercropping on N , Fe Nutrition and Biological Nitrogen Fixation ; Study on the Effect of Legume Nitrogen Fixation and Fertility Betterment on the Bashang Plateau

  19. 通过实验对比上高原训练前后的情况,检验高原训练这一因素本身是否对运动员的心境和训练质量有影响。

    The study also investigates if the " plateau training " itself would influence athletes ' mood and training quality by comparing with two baselines between prior to and after plateau training .

  20. 分析了冀西北坝上高原莜麦生育期间降水特点和旱地土壤水分周年变化规律,在旱棚控水条件下,研究了莜麦需水规律。

    This paper analyzed the law of precipitation and dryland soil moisture change and studied the regularity of water requirement of the naked oats under controlling water condition in Bashang , the northwest plateau of Hebei .

  21. 在黄上高原人工植被配置时以坡面为尺度,忽略微地形及其带来的生境差异,从而造成植被生长不良等问题。

    When carry artificial vegetation configuration in Loess Plateau , take the slope as unit and ignore the micro-topography and the habitat differences caused by it , resulting in poor growth of vegetation and other issues .

  22. 河北坝上高原位于内蒙古高原的东南缘,属于北方农牧交错带,生态环境脆弱、敏感,是京津地区的天然生态屏障。

    The ecological environments of the Bashang Plateau in Hebei Province is in the southeast edge of the Inner Mongolia Plateau and in Farming-pastoral Zone of North China are quite fragile , It is a natural ecological barrier of Beijing-Tianjin region .

  23. 现在我们每次为了研究而拜访他们村落时,他们都会张罗好三只骆驼,来驮运我们扎营所需的装备、物和水,接著我们会徒步走上高原,然后扎营。

    Now when we arrive at their village for a research trip , they round up three camels to carry our camping equipment , food and water , and we all walk to the top of the plateau and set up camp .

  24. 我国是世界上高原面积最大、居住人口最多的国家,高原地区占国土面积的六分之一,地处边陲,战略位置十分重要。

    China has the largest area of plateau and the largest population of plateau residents in the world . Plateau , mainly located in border of the country , takes 1 / 6 of land and is very important in strategic development of China .

  25. 在对河北坝上高原不同类型农田经济优势作物及经济优势畜种分析基础上,比较不同类型农田退耕前后的经济效果,阐明在旱砂地上可实现农民的自动退耕行为。

    Based on the analysis of the economic predominate crop and livestock in Bashang plateau of HeiBei , the economic results of different types of farmland in degenerating tillage were compared . The result showed that the peasant can degenerate farmland by themselves in drought sand field .

  26. 方法:①选择2005-06在海拔5170m地区守防1年的57名健康男性青年,年龄17~24岁。上高原前体检确认健康,且均对干预方案及检测指标知情同意。

    METHODS : ① Totally 57 healthy youths from 17 to 24 years old stayed at 5 170 meters altitude for 1 year were selected in June 2005 . Medical examination had been done before went to high altitude , they all agreed with the scheme and test index .

  27. 12月9日,奥茨杀了几匹小马。这些马又累又病,不可能登上高原。这时,米尔斯与他的狗群返回开普埃文斯。“我们可以自己拖雪橇,”斯科特说,“我们能够做到:我们个个都是身强力壮。”

    On December 9th , Oates killed the ponies.They were tired and ill and they could not walk up to the plateau.Then Meares and his dogs went back to Cape Evans . " We can pull the sledges ourselves , " Scott said . " We can do it - we 're all strong men . "

  28. 路变直了,我们驶上了高原。

    The road straightened and we were on a plateau .

  29. 通过分析C组的偏误,可见中介语的僵化现象。这说明,第二语言学习者在心理上有高原期,在语言水平上有高峰期。

    Interlanguage fossilization existed in the errors made by Group C , which shows that L2 learners have to experience a plateau in terms of psychology , and a climax in terms of language proficiency . 5 .

  30. 本文在普查分析1977~1981年5~9月500hPa面上青藏高原横切变线活动特点的基础上,着重研究了横切变线南移的原因。

    Based on the statistical analyses of the moving characters of the Plateau shear line with Quasi E-W orientation at 500 hPa during the period of May-September of 1977-1981 , emphasis is placed on the reason for moving southward of the shear line .