
zhū jiāng
  • the Pearl River;the Zhujiang River
珠江 [zhū jiāng]
  • [the Zhujiang River;the Pearl River] 中国南方大河。水系支流众多,流域面积45万多平方公里,主流西江全长2129公里。水量丰富,仅次于长江

珠江[zhū jiāng]
  1. 随着中国加入WTO,珠江三角洲必将加快融入全球经济体系的步伐。

    The Pearl River Delta will quicken the step to join the global economy .

  2. GIS支持下珠江三角洲城镇建筑覆盖变化遥感监测分析

    Built-up Land-cover Change Monitoring by Remote Sensing of Urban Area in the Pearl River Delta Based on GIS

  3. GIS支持的珠江三角洲农业面源污染时空分析

    Spatio-temporal Analysis of Agriculture Non-point Pollution in Pearl River Delta based on GIS

  4. 工业以太网技术在珠江电厂DCS中的应用

    Application of industrial ether network technology in DCS system of Zhujiang Power Plant

  5. 在实数空间中M.珠江三角洲经济区河水中微量元素的空间分布

    Spatial distribution of trace element in rivers in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone

  6. 珠江钢厂CSP线辊底炉的特点

    The characteristic of Zhujiang Steel CSP Roller - Hearth furnace

  7. 实证结果证明,以自由现金流量指标为变量建立的灰色预警模型对ST珠江公司的财务风险进行了有效的预测。

    The research result testified that the gray prediction model could well forecast the financial situation of ST Zhu Jiang .

  8. 二是我国被告人认罪案件处理程序的实证考察。笔者对珠江三角洲A市B区司法机关适用简易程序和普通程序简化审的具体情况进行了实证考察。

    The second section is about the empirical study of processing of cases with guilty plea conducted by the judicial organs of B district in city A of Pearl River Delta .

  9. 珠江三角洲地区典型类型土壤中DDT残留及其潜在风险

    DDT Residual in the Typical Soil Types of Pearl River Delta Region and Its Potential Risk

  10. 珠江三角洲淡水养殖沉积物及鱼体中DDTs和PAHs的残留与风险分析

    Residues and risk assessment of DDTs and PAHs in sediments and fish from Pearl River Delta area

  11. 以珠江黄埔大桥项目的招投标管理为背景,介绍了基于WEB的公路工程项目招投标管理系统的系统构架、系统功能、开发模式以及系统特点。

    The architecture , function , development mode and characteristics of bidding MIS of Highway Engineering Project Management based on WEB are introduced in this paper , using the bidding procurement management of ZhuJiang-Huang pu bridge as an example .

  12. 本文回顾了广州珠江钢厂短流程CSP生产线一期工程的设备采购(供货)的管理模式。

    In this article , the author reviews the mode of equipment procurement ( supply ) of Zhu-Jiang Steel 1st phase project ( CSP plant ) .

  13. 与世界其它河流相比,珠江POC含量较低;

    Paniculate organic carbon ( POC ) content of Zhujiang River is lower than that of other rivers in the world .

  14. 1珠江河口区生物体内存在着较严重的HCHs和DDTs污染。

    The result showed : 1 The demersal organisms from the Pearl River estuary were seriously polluted by DDTs and HCHs .

  15. 珠江钢厂CSP热连轧层流冷却热过程模拟研究对不同尺寸的翅片管进行换热过程模拟计算,并根据结果总结出翅片管几何参数对对流换热系数的影响规律;

    STUDY ON THE THERMAL SIMULATION OF RUN-OUT TABLE COOLING OF CSP ROLLING MILL AT ZHUJIANG IRON AND STEEL COMPANY The rib-tubes with different structure are also simulated and optimized on the base of the calculated results .

  16. 时间-空间对应分析表明:2002、2003年为珠江三角洲PR流行的高峰期,粤北在2001年为高发年份;2002、2003年,PR的流行率均以粤东为最低。

    Analysis of spatial-temporal correspondence showed that the high seroprevalence of PR for Pearl River Delta appeared in 2002 and 2003 , for the north in 2001.In 2002 and 2003 , the low seroprevalence of PR were observed in the east .

  17. 结果表明:观测期间,珠江冲淡水向东扩展的趋势很明显,与此同时,粤东沿岸(116°E)以东附近沿岸海域的水团具有低温、高盐的性质,显示了沿岸上升流的存在。

    The results reveal that during the investigation , the Pearl River runoff extended eastward evidently . Meanwhile , the surface water mass to the east of 116 ° E has characteristics of low temperature , high salinity and high density , which indicate the existence of coastal upwelling .

  18. 珠江口盆地东部和台湾西部海域广泛分布的海相中生界发育3个方向的4种断层:NE向逆断层、NE向正断层、WNW&EW向正断层和NW向左行平移断层。

    Four types of faults trending in three directions have developed in marine Mesozoic of the eastern Pearl River Mouth basin and offshore western Taiwan , including NE ? trending reverse faults , NE ? trending normal faults , WNW-EW ?

  19. 主要功能包括:数据采集、入库、RTU配置、召测等。系统已通过郑州黄委会为期6个月的实验室测试,目前系统已经在珠江水文站全部安装,并处于试运行阶段。

    Key features include data collection , storage , RTU configuration , information acquisition and so on . Currently , the system has completed a six-month laboratory test conducted by Zhengzhou Yellow River Conservancy Committee .

  20. 为探讨产科急性弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)的临床表现及治疗措施,对珠江医院1993年1月~2001年7月收治的12例产科DIC患者进行回顾性分析。

    To investigate manifestations and treatment of acute disseminated intravascular coagulation ( DIC ) in obstetrics , the medical records of 12 cases of acute DIC in obstetric patients admitted into our hospital from January 1993 to July 2001 were analyzed retrospectively .

  21. 结果表明:表层沉积物中HCHs、PCBs和DDTs的浓度范围分别为0.28~1.23,0.18~1.82和1.36~8.99ng/g(干重),与其他河口相比,珠江口沉积物的有机氯含量较低。

    Concentration ranges of HCHs , PCBs and DDTs in the surface sediments were 0.28 ~ 1.23,0.18 ~ 1.82 and 1.36 ~ 8.99 ng / g ( dry mass ), respectively , which were low as compared with some other estuaries .

  22. 文章以我国内部控制的相关法律、法规、规范为依托,以COSO提出的《内部控制&整体框架》为基础对珠江航务管理局内部控制现状进行分析,找出其内部控制存在的问题。

    At present , there 's a great shortage of this study on institutions . The paper that utilizes the basic of of COSO and laws , regulations and codes , analyzes the present state of Zhujiang Authority accounting internal control .

  23. 引入Singh-Mitchell蠕变方程,建立了珠江三角洲软土排水和不排水的Singh-Mitchell蠕变模型,其中应力-应变关系采用指数函数,应变-时间关系采用幂函数。

    By introducing Singh-Mitchell creep equation , the drained and undrained creep models of soft soil are proposed , in which exponential function is adopted for stress-strain relationship and power function for strain-time relationship .

  24. 春季,珠江冲淡水主要分布在约40m等深线附近,由于珠江仍处在枯水期,径流较弱,且东北季风仍然较强,所以珠江冲淡水主要向西扩散。

    In spring , the Zhujiang River diluted water locates mainly between the coastal and 40 meters isobath , and diffuses to west , with reason , that , during the spring the Zhujiang River is in its low water season and the northeast monsoon is still intense .

  25. 珠江三角洲城际快速轨道交通系统融资方案研究

    Pearl River Delta Urban Express Rail Transportation System Financing Scheme Study

  26. 台风暴潮沿珠江河道上溯分析

    Analysis of the Upstream-Going Tropical Storm Surge along the Pearl River

  27. 珠江钢管公司在发展中崛起

    Zhujiang Steel Pipe Co. Ltd. ( PCK ): rising by development

  28. 珠江三角洲住区休憩环境的总体特征

    General Characteristics of Residential Recreational Environment in the Pearl River Delta

  29. 珠江三角洲地区城际道路服务水平评估研究

    Evaluation of Level of Service of Intercity Highways in Zhujiang Delta

  30. 珠江三角洲城市人居环境测评与分析

    Evaluation and Analysis of City Human Settlements in Pearl River Delta