
  1. 同样,张薇(zhangwei,音译)因为请求抗议她在北京的家遭到拆迁以便为某个房地产开发项目让路而被拘留1个月。

    Similarly , Zhang Wei has been jailed for a month for asking to protest against the demolition of her Beijing home to make way for a property development .

  2. 两年前,张薇(ZhangWei,音译)的住宅因给北京市中心一处高档购物和餐饮综合设施让路而被拆除。张薇于上周六获释,不过她被告知,她仍可能被送回监狱。

    Zhang Wei , whose home was demolished two years ago to make way for an upmarket shopping and restaurant complex in central Beijing , was released on Saturday but was told she could still be sent back to jail .

  3. 张薇,请你分析一下这个句子的结构。

    Would you please analyze the sentence for us , Zhang Wei ?

  4. 张薇(音译)回忆到,吴婷前后共接受了6次治疗,她不仅学会了放松的技巧,还排练了报告内容。

    Zhang Wei recalls how Wu Ting attended six therapy sessions and learnt relaxation techniques , besides rehearsing presentations .

  5. 家人表示,有人告诉她,张薇将被转移到北京的一个拘留所。

    She was told Ms Zhang would be transferred to a detention centre in Beijing , family members said .

  6. 我叫张薇。请把你的名字和电话号码留下,我会和你联系。

    My name is Zhang wei . I 'll contact you if you leave your name and telephone number ?

  7. 张薇一位家人昨日表示,警方周三以所谓的“扰乱社会秩序”罪拘留了张薇。

    Police detained Ms Zhang on Wednesday for allegedly " disturbing social order " , a member of her family said yesterday .