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  1. 张家快聘姑娘了。

    The Zhangs will soon marry off their daughter .

  2. 本实验室先前的研究已证实,普罗托品(protopine,Pro)舒张家兔主动脉的作用,可能与其增加血管平滑肌细胞内cAMP和cGMP水平有关。

    We have previously shown that the vasodilator effect of protopine ( Pro ) on rabbit aorta is related to the elevations of cAMP and cGMP .

  3. 根据试验结果,采用灰色决策方法得出了张家洼铁矿-250m中段无底柱分段崩落法的最佳结构参数为分段高度12.5m,进路间距12m,放矿步距4~5m。

    According to the experimental results , it was found that such optimum constructional parameters as sublevel height , drift interval and drawing pace are 12.5 ? m , 12 ? m and 4 ~ 5 ?

  4. 秦汉时期的司法职务犯罪&睡虎地秦简和张家山汉简所见

    The Job Crime of Judicial Official in Qin and Han Dynasty

  5. 好,接下来,看看这张家谱图,这是谁?

    Ok , please look at this family tree , who is he ?

  6. 长江九江河段张家洲的演变

    The evolution of the Zhang-Jia batture of JiUjiang reaches of the Yangtse River

  7. 他与张家是姻亲。

    He is connected with the changs by marriage .

  8. 将之应用于长江下游张家洲分汊河段的流场计算,对水位和流速分布作了验证,验证结果与现场测量基本吻合。

    The calculated distributions of water level and velocity well agree with field measurement .

  9. 飞到张家后院里;

    Flew to the backyard of Zhang family ;

  10. 都可以当上张家大少奶了。

    Maybe you can hook up a millionaire .

  11. 目的:用水质综合指数法对张家岩水库水质进行评价。

    Objective : To evaluate water quality of Zhangjiayan reservoir by using Water Quality Index .

  12. 张家山汉简《二年律令》的语言研究二、末日意识

    The Language Study of " Two Years Law " in Zhang Jia Shan Bamboo Slip

  13. 张家也不例外。

    Zhang 's family was no exception .

  14. 因此,位于最大湖进面的长7张家滩页岩成为主要的生油层;

    So Chang 7 that lie in the maximum flooding surface is the main source rock .

  15. 张家后人及南浔区有关部门负责人出席开馆仪式。

    The Zhang families and the leaders from Nan Xun government are in the opening ceremony .

  16. 从张家山汉简《算数书》数学用语看两大语文辞书的收词释义

    The Realization of the Paraphrase of Two Chinese Language Dictionary Through the Suan Shu Shu Mathematical Term

  17. 将来,咱们张家会很兴旺,你们都会长寿。

    In the future , the Zhang family will prosper and you will all live long lives .

  18. 以张家山汉简中有关继承关系的律令为主要材料,按照现代民法中继承制度的框架重建对汉代继承法律制度的认识。

    According to the law materials on relationship of Inheritance , it reconstructs the legal system of Inheritance in Han Dynasty .

  19. 《小桥》外面的世界虽说精彩,但大屋内的张家后人,仍旧延续着他们的生活。

    Small bridge Though it is outstanding outside , the generation of Zhang in this big house still live their own life .

  20. 觉民和觉慧从张家出来,已经过了十一点钟,街上还很热闹。

    It was past eleven when Chueh-min and Chueh-hui left the changs , but there was still considerable activity in the streets .

  21. 睡虎地秦墓竹简及张家山汉墓竹简是秦汉时代法律思想及法律制度变迁最直接、最可靠的论据。

    The author indicates the legal thought leitmotiv in Qin and Han dynasties : Law was unified and established by the emperor .

  22. 张家沟剖面沉积连续、暴露完全、化石极为丰富,是建立侏罗-白垩系临界阶陆相层型的研究界线划分的理想剖面。

    So the Zhangjiagou section is an ideal candidate section for erecting the terrestrial stratotype and studying the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in China .

  23. 长7下部的张家滩油页岩是研究区主要的烃源岩。

    The oil shale in the lower Chang 7 oil - bed was the main source rock of oil in the researched area .

  24. 张家人在争取融入美国主流社会的过程中,他们的民族意识也逐渐淡薄甚至丢失了自己的文化身份。

    In order to integrate into the American society , their ethnic consciousness is weakening simultaneously so they gradually lost their traditional Chinese identity .

  25. 张家山汉简中的《二年律令》和《奏谳书》是西汉初年的法律辑录。

    The Two-year Laws and Decrees and in Zhangjiashan bamboo slips of Han Dynasty is the collection of codes of the early Western Hart .

  26. 《张家山汉简·二年律令》所见汉初国家对基层社会的控制

    The State Control of Base Society in Early Han Dynasty Discovered in " Second-Year Laws , Zhang Jia Shan Bamboo Slips of Han Dynasty "

  27. 通过对烟台南张家金矿黄铁矿的形态、成分和热电性标型的分析和测试,对金矿的深部成矿远景进行了评价。

    The deep mineral potential of gold is evaluated by analyzing and testing the form , composition and thermoelectricity of pyrite in the Nanzhangjia gold deposit .

  28. 论西汉前期刍、稾税制度的变化发展&读《张家山汉墓竹简》札记之二

    On the Change and Development of the Hay Tax System in the Early Period of the West Han Dynasty & Talk about the note of , Part 2

  29. 张家山汉简《二年律令》和《奏谳书》中保存了不少有关汉初女性犯罪及其处罚的材料。

    Two-year Laws and Decrees and Book of Zouyan which were in the bamboo slips of Zhangjiashan conserved many datum about fe-male criminal at the beginning of the Han Dynasty .

  30. 南张家金矿黄铁矿的形态以{100}+{210}为主,反映了成矿溶液中硫浓度较高,金具有明显的亲硫性。

    The form is mainly { 100 } + { 210 } , indicating the higher sulfur concentration in the mineralized solution , and the obvious sulfur affinity of gold ;