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  1. 她已跟李家的儿子定亲。

    She is betrothed to a son of the Li family .

  2. 王家跟李家是世交。

    The Wangs and the LIS are old family friends .

  3. 李家是个大家庭,有三代人同堂。

    The LIS are a big family with three generations living together .

  4. 李家的亲事我已经准备好了。

    I 've already arranged a match with the Li family .

  5. 村里人分了李家的土地。

    The people then got together and divided Li 's land .

  6. 我们需要去李家拿些东西过来还有寻求帮助。

    We need to get something on the LIM family and appeal .

  7. 李家的亲事就这样地决定了。

    Thus the match with the Li family was decided .

  8. 李家决定搬到深水湾的房子。

    The Lis have decided to move to the flat in Deepwater Bay .

  9. 李家住在一栋两层楼的房子。

    The Lee family live in a two-story house .

  10. 李家在一个优利存款帐户投资了一些钱。

    The Lees have invested some money in a high interest savings account .

  11. 我们昨天到李家访问。

    We called at Li 's house yesterday .

  12. 1941年冬天日军实施的常德细菌战造成常德地区鼠疫大流行,桃源县小村庄李家湾也未能幸免。

    In the winter of 1941 , Japanese germ warfare made a plague in the region of Changde .

  13. 1954年,我向李家合作社建议在山坡上种苹果树。

    In1954i proposed to the lichia co-op that apple trees be planted on the slopes of the hills .

  14. 王家义麻芝乡李家堰安置点安置户,75岁,务农。

    Wang Jiayi a resettlement household of li 's weir resettlement of Mazhi village , age of75 , engaged in farming .

  15. 蔡琳和高梓淇共同出演了中央电视台的《李家大院》,剧中两人饰演夫妻。

    Chae Rim and Gao Zi Qi appeared in CCTV ′ s drama , The Lee Family as a married couple .

  16. 论述了厂坝铅锌矿厂坝矿区、李家沟矿区矿石的工艺矿物学特性。

    In this paper , the mineral technology characteristics of the ore in Changba ore bed and Lijiagou ore bed is introduced .

  17. 在典型的细石器以外,李家沟遗址早期还发现数量较多的大型石制品。

    Other than typical microliths , larger size stone products were unearthed in the Lijiagou site during the early stage of the excavation .

  18. 推荐李家大排、虾茸草菇白菜、黄瓜墩儿、沙拉子等。

    Its famous dishes include pork chop of family Li , cooked cabbage with shrimps and straw mushrooms , cucumber strips and salad .

  19. 开展厂坝李家沟铅锌矿远景找矿,为进一步评价厂坝李家沟铅锌矿资源危机程度和资源潜力提供依据。

    The developing of perspective prospecting of Changba-Lijiagou lead-zinc mine provides the basis for further appraising mine resources crisis degree and the resources potential .

  20. 李家沟矿区受民采破坏严重,空区众多,采场塌陷频繁,对矿山生产和安全影响极大。

    Lijiagou mine severely damaged by unauthorized and wasteful mining , Mining-out area large stope collapse frequently , great impact on mine production and safety .

  21. 厂坝-李家沟矿区由于1997年以前的群采乱挖,在众多的区域内留下了难以计数、形状各异的空区。

    The Changba lead-zinc mine prior to1997 due to the unauthorized and wasteful mining , among the many areas left in numerous , different shapes of the mining space .

  22. 利用黄石地区阳新李家湾铜矿废渣,研制出一次低温快烧瓷质外墙砖。

    An exterior wall tile with porcelain quality and single fast fired under low temperature has been developed by using bronze mine rejects at Li Jia Wan , Huangshi area .

  23. 33岁的安德鲁·李家住南约克艾德灵顿,是个叉车司机。2008年他死于心脏病,据称此前他曾和女友弟弟打赌,说他能用其父亲种植的变种泰国辣椒做出世界上最辣的酱。

    Fork-lift truck driver Andrew Lee , 33 , of Edlington , South Yorks , suffered heart failure in 2008 after betting his girlfriend 's brother he could make the most fiery sauce with a Thai variety his dad had grown .

  24. 李老师家住浙江省慈溪市A镇F村,她在1994年到2002年间,在F村办过一个家庭式幼儿园。

    Teacher Li lived in Village F in Cixi City in Zhejiang Province . She was once a director of a family kindergarten in Village F from 1994 to 2002 .

  25. 李一家正在讨论搬到城市的问题。

    The Lees are discussing the problem of moving to the city .

  26. 上星期我们到李老师家探望。

    Last week we called at Teacher Li 's house .

  27. 当他们住在这里的时候,他们经常去李奶奶家。

    They often went to grandma Lee 's house when they lived here .

  28. 一个名为“梅尔的奶牛梦”的小商店和快餐店更名为“哈伯。李童年的家”。

    A small shop and a fast-food restaurant called Mel 's Dairy Dream have replaced Harper Lee 's childhood home .

  29. 曼哈顿区检察官周二公布了一份含有118项指控的起诉书,指控李设立多家幌子公司,以掩盖违反联合国制裁行动的对伊朗销售。

    The Manhattan district attorney unsealed a 118 - count indictment on Tuesday accusing Mr Li of setting up front companies to disguise sales to Iran that broke UN sanctions .

  30. 优步吸引了许多中国顾客,28岁的李云芳(音)就是其中之一。在北京生活的李云芳是一家房地产开发公司的员工,于今年1月弃用其他打车服务,开始使用优步。

    Uber has attracted Chinese customers like Li Yufang , 28 , a Beijing resident and an employee at a property developer , who switched to Uber in January from other ride-hailing services .