首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 李老板,请确认产品名称和型号。(一旦确认后)

    Pls help to confirm the product & modle name .

  2. 说真的,李老板,我们很喜欢你开的这个酒吧,经常来玩儿。

    To tell the truth , boss lee , we really like your bar , and we often come here .

  3. 我知道我留下深刻印象李和'老板'谁将会来,在几个星期内回来。

    I knew I had to impress Lee and the'boss'who would come back in a matter of weeks .

  4. 李:今天我们老板和同事将和您一起开个会,您可以参观我们的样品室,明后两天我会带您去看工厂。

    Lee : We are going to our company toda ~ you can have a meeting with our boss and colleagues , see the show room , then we ' 11 show you around the factories tomorrow and the day after tomorrow .