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zhān yǎng
  • Admire;look up at;look at with reverence
瞻仰 [zhān yǎng]
  • (1) [look at with reverence]∶恭敬地观看

  • 瞻仰遗容

  • (2) [look up at]∶仰视

  • 瞻仰昊天

瞻仰[zhān yǎng]
  1. 2.5万名送葬者前来瞻仰死者遗容。

    Twenty-five thousand mourners passed to view the body .

  2. 当晚,人们一再请求,终于得以瞻仰了甘地的遗容。

    Tonight in response to the insistent demand of the people , his body was shown to them .

  3. 临走之前,雷西让我好好瞻仰了一下某个品种的紫荆树&旭日紫荆(CercisRisingSun)。其石灰绿色的心形叶片上夹杂着杏色与黄色斑纹。

    Before I left , Mr. Lacy made sure I took a long look at the redbud tree , Cercis Rising Sun , which has apricot-and-yellow tones in its heart-shaped lime-green leaves .

  4. 在瞻仰室,我终于看到母亲。

    In the room of reverence , I eventually saw mother .

  5. 美国人的葬礼经常包括公开瞻仰遗体。

    American funerals often include public viewing of the body .

  6. 前总统的遗体将于明天举行国葬(注:殡殓后任人凭吊,葬前供公众瞻仰)。

    The body of the former President will lie in State tomorrow .

  7. 考虑到应该给个机会他儿子去瞻仰遗容。

    His son should have a chance to pay his last respects .

  8. 然后他去了亚洲,去瞻仰那里的寺院。

    So he went to Asia to visit some of this monasteries .

  9. 欢迎大家来我家乡做客,瞻仰伟人。

    Welcome to my home town guest , visited the great man .

  10. 留下无数痕迹供后世瞻仰。

    Countless traces of the past have remained for people to wonder at .

  11. 瞻仰人群中最著名的面孔是普京和戈尔巴乔夫。

    The most prominent faces were those of Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Gorbachev .

  12. 每次我在坎特伯雷时,总要去瞻仰一下大教堂。

    Whenever I 'm in Canterbury I make a point of visiting the cathedral .

  13. 在红场里的列宁陵墓,每天都有民众瞻仰其遗容。

    In the red mausoleum , Lenin people visit every day the dead looks .

  14. 我们怀着崇敬的心情瞻仰了革命烈士纪念碑。

    We paid a visit to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs with great respect .

  15. 意大利人经过长途中跋涉,来瞻仰这里的战争纪念碑。

    Italians came from a long way off to look up at the war monument .

  16. 历代奉为神圣的古代妇人,请走过来,让我好好瞻仰你一番!

    Woman ancient and consecrated by use , draw near that I may contemplate thee !

  17. 他去世之后,前来瞻仰遗容的少有写作或艺术界知名人士。

    Few famous writers or artists came to pay respect as he lay in state .

  18. 他们远道而来瞻仰,顶礼,和朝拜这世界最高峰。

    They come from afar to revere , venerate and worship this highest of mountains .

  19. 忆二战岁月,享黄山美景&瞻仰重庆抗战遗址博物馆

    Remember the Years of the World War II and Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Huangshan

  20. 幸而我不曾进屋去瞻仰他的遗容。

    I 'm glad I didn 't go into the room to look at his face .

  21. 这座雕像名为“快乐王子”,许多人远从各地前来瞻仰他。

    He was called the Happy Prince and many people from far away came to see him .

  22. 他们纷纷来瞻仰这位俄国出生、带着剑桥口音和巴黎丰采的金融界神童。

    They came to see this Russian-born financial prodigy with the Cambridge accent and the Parisian charm .

  23. 美国前总统福特的遗体被安放在华盛顿国会大厦圆形大厅供人瞻仰。

    Former President Gerald R. Ford 's body lies in state at the Capital Rotunda in Washington .

  24. 我的眼睛不断地向上主瞻仰,因为他使我的双脚脱离罗网。

    My eyes are always on the Lord , for he will free my feet from the snare .

  25. 他说,在星期五举行葬礼之前,查韦斯的遗体将停放在一所军事学院供公众瞻仰。

    He says says Mr. Chavez will lie in state at a military academy before a funeral Friday .

  26. 到南京游览的人,一般都要到中山陵瞻仰这位革命家的墓地。

    The visit to Nanjing , the general must pay tribute to Sun Yat-sen 's revolutionaries of the cemetery .

  27. 每天清早许多游客聚集在那里,以便瞻仰升国旗仪式。

    Many tourists gather there early in the morning so that they can watch the raising of the national flag .

  28. 南非官方称,过去3天瞻仰曼德拉遗容的民众至少有10万人。

    Officials say at least 100,000 people have visited the venue over the past three days to pay their respects .

  29. 我们每次到北京,总要去瞻仰人民英雄纪念碑。

    Every time we come to Beijing , we go to visit the Monument to the People 's Heroes with respects .

  30. 成千上万哀悼的委内瑞拉人为在加拉加斯瞻仰查韦斯的遗容而等候长达10小时。

    Thousands of grieving Venezuelans waited for as long as 10 hours to look at Mr. Chavez 's body in Caracas .