
  • 网络Grey Bird;Gray jay
  1. 一只灰鸟从她们的头顶上飞过,越过有轨电车线,最后停歇在一家屋顶的金属横檐上。

    A gray bird flew above them , above the electric wires for the street car line , and perched on the metal cornice of a roof .

  2. 珠儿把握十足地相信,她打中了一只白胸脯的小灰鸟,那小鸟带着一只折断的翅膀鼓翼而飞了。

    One little grey bird , with a white breast , Pearl was almost sure , had been hit by a pebble , and fluttered away with a broken wing .

  3. 小灰山椒鸟到处出现!看它在中国的分布,它过去可能是被忽略了。

    Swinhoe 's Minivets popping up everywhere ! Looking at its distribution in China it has probably been overlooked in the past .

  4. 他不再是只黑灰丑陋的鸟,他竟然是一只天鹅!

    But what did he see in the clear water ? He was no longer a dark gray ugly bird . He was himself a swan !

  5. 美国南部长尾巴灰白色的歌鸟,能模仿其它鸟类的叫声。

    Long-tailed gray-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds .