
huī wù
  • fog
灰雾[huī wù]
  1. 对3个DIAR成色剂在彩色负片中的应用进行了研究,得到了它们对感光度、灰雾影响的数据,特别是得到了它们在降低颗粒度和改善层间效应方面的数据。

    The application of three DIAR couplers in color negative film is studied , and the data of sensitivity , fog , particularly , reduced graininess , improved interlayer effect have been obtained .

  2. 另外,含有Ca2+或Ba2+的PTG材料随着老化时间的增加,其感光度和灰雾的变化趋势并不相同。

    In addition , the changing trend of the sensitivity and the fog of PTG materials which contained Ca ~ ( 2 + ) was not consistent with that of Ba ~ ( 2 + ) as the aging time went on .

  3. 内潜影颗粒可以通过带巯基的显影防灰雾剂加以保护。

    The fogged internal latent image grains are protected by mercapto development antifoggants .

  4. 多功能的彩显防灰雾剂EBP的研制及其应用

    The preparation and use of multi - fuction Antifog agent in colour photograph

  5. 结果表明传统化学增感在PTG体系中同样有效,感光度增加的同时灰雾并没有明显地增加。

    The result showed that traditional chemical sensitivity that used in PTG system was an effective method to improve the sensitivity .

  6. 重点介绍了羧酸银、卤化银、调色剂、防灰雾剂与稳定剂、光谱增感剂以及粘合剂等PTG材料的主要组分,并对PTG材料成像机理的研究情况进行了评述。

    Silver carboxylates , silver halide , toners , antifoggants , stabilizers , sensitizers , binders and other ingredients of PTG materials are introduced , and the imaging theories for PTG materials are reviewed .

  7. 涂抹后,处理过的表面会形成一层灰雾。

    A grey fog forms on the treated surface following application .

  8. 稳定剂和防灰雾剂在氯化银成像过程中的作用

    Effects of Stabilizers and Antifoggants on Imaging Process of Silver Chloride

  9. 防灰雾剂对T-颗粒乳剂晶体表面形貌的影响

    The Effect of an Antifoggant on the Surface Morphology of T-Grain Crystals

  10. 感光乳剂防灰雾剂的应用研究

    The Application and Research about Anti - foggy Agent in Sensitive emulsion

  11. 预灰化直接正性照相乳剂灰雾中心的研究

    Study on Fog Centers of Pre-fogged Direct Positive Photographic Emuisions

  12. 感光乳剂微晶体电性能与灰雾的关系

    The Relationship between the Electric Property and the Fog of the Photographic Emulsion

  13. 灰雾:照相材料被光线无意渗入所造成的情况。

    Fog : Unintended light penetration of photographic materials .

  14. 感光乳剂稳定剂及防灰雾剂作用机理的综述

    A Review on the Behavior Mechanism of Stabilizers and Antifoggants in Photographic Emulsions

  15. 拄着扶手,我凝视着窗外,灰雾弥漫

    Raised on elbow , I stare at the pale fog beyond the window

  16. 卤化银微晶体灰雾显影的研究

    Study on fog development of silver halide microcrystals

  17. 对国内2种新型防灰雾剂在感光乳剂中进行应用研究及筛选。

    Some research of application about ability of two novel anti-foggy agent was did .

  18. 纯色抛光砖表面白色灰雾现象分析

    Study of " white dust " on the surface of pure colored polished tile

  19. 照片灰雾及其改进探讨如何防止冲洗加工灰雾

    Discussion on Image Greyness and It 's Improvement How to Avoid Photographic Processing Fog

  20. 6-硝基苯并咪唑防灰雾性能研究

    Research into the Antifogging Property of 6-nitrobenzimidazole

  21. 高氯乳剂的稳定剂和防灰雾剂

    Stabilizers and Antifoggants for chloride-rich photosensitive emulsion

  22. 但是独立报导则说,实验期间北京仍然笼罩在挥之不去的灰雾之中。

    But independent reports said a stubborn gray haze shrouded Beijing throughout the test period .

  23. 实验结果表明:防灰雾剂可以明显地降低灰雾和减小最大密度;

    The results showed that fog and maximum density could be reduced obviously by using antifoggant ;

  24. 用化学显微镜法研究稳定剂和防灰雾剂在氯化银微晶上的作用机理

    Studies on Mechanisms of Stabilizers and Antifoggants on AgCl Microcrystal by the Method of Chemical Microscopy

  25. 显影灰雾形成机理的研究Ⅰ.显影灰雾形成过程的受阻显影研究

    The mechanism of developer fog formation ⅰ . the formation of developer fog by arrested development

  26. 如何防止冲洗加工灰雾

    How to Avoid Photographic Processing Fog

  27. 未敏化乳剂的显影灰雾中心在颗粒表面上的分布是随机的,而硫敏化乳剂的显影灰雾中心则优先在八面体的棱上生成。

    But for sulphur-sensitized emulsion , the developing centres formed preferentially on the edge of octahedral grain .

  28. 通过不同壁厚微胶囊涂片的灰雾值比较,得到了完全包裹时囊壁材料的最低用量。

    Through comparing fog of different film base , the minimum amount of wall material was gained .

  29. 分析了彩色正片的感光度、灰雾度和灰差度等特性;

    This article analyzes such Characteristics as sensitivity , fog density and contrast of the colour positive .

  30. 那天早晨波莉离开家的时候,整个城市就已笼罩在一片灰雾中了。

    When Polly left home that morning , the city was already covered in a grey mist .