
  • 网络Gray space;Grey Space
  1. 恩德借用一个孩子的形象描述了人类日渐脱离童年梦想的状态&一个失去想象的灰色空间。

    So Ende makes the image of a child to describe a state where the man has forgotten his childhood dream which is becoming a gray space for the losing imagination .

  2. 再珍贵的东西也会稍纵既逝,人生就是这样,没有一尘不变的世界,在这个灰色空间里,摸爬滚打,纵使遍体鳞伤。

    Precious things will be slightly longer vertical both missed , life is like that , no dust unchanged world , the grey in the space combat , even though body .

  3. 岩体边坡稳定性灰色聚类空间预测方法

    The Grey Classification Together Method for Space Prediction of the Stability of Rock mass Slope

  4. 基于神经网络的岩体边坡稳定性的灰色聚类空间预测法及其应用

    A method of grey cluster spatial prediction of rock-mass slope stability based on artificial neural network and its application

  5. 为评价多种因素对边坡稳定性的影响,提出了岩体边坡稳定性灰色聚类空间预测方法。

    To evaluate the effects of various factors on the stability of rock mass slope , the grey classification together method for space prediction of the rock mass slope stability is put forward .

  6. 针对岩体边坡稳定性与影响因素之间的非线性关系,提山了基于神经网络的岩体边坡稳定性的灰色聚类空间预测法。

    In view of the nonlinear relation of rock-mass slope stability and the effecting factors , a method of grey cluster spatial prediction of rock-mass slope stability is presented based on artificial neural network .

  7. 本文建立灰色线性空间赋以内积的一种充分条件,由此得到灰色向量空间与灰色矩阵空间中最佳线性预报的一种逐步算法。

    In this paper , sufficient conditions for inner product assignment for grey linear space are determined , from which a stepwise calculation method has been derived for optimization of linear prediction in both grey vector space and grey matrix space .

  8. 旅游开放空间是城市旅游的重要载体,对提高城市旅游的整体吸引力具有重要作用,其包括旅游绿色开放空间、旅游蓝色开放空间、旅游灰色开放空间;

    Tourism open space is an important carrier of city tourism and plays an important role in strengthening the whole attraction of city tourism . Tourism open space includes tourism green open space , tourism blue open space and tourism gray open space .

  9. 灰色动态聚类空间氧化还原电位油气圈闭ART评价法

    Grey ART dynamic clustering evaluation for oil and gas information in oxido-reducing potential

  10. Vague灰色可拓空间VGES

    Vague Grey Extension Space Theory

  11. 基于模糊灰色物元空间的环境控制决策支持系统EC-DSS

    Environment Control Decision Support System ( EC-DSS ) Based on the Fuzzy Gray Matter-element Space

  12. 模糊灰色物元空间(FHW)理论与实践&宏观复杂大系统决策方法

    Fuzzy Gray Matter-element Space Theory and Practical Application and Development & The Policy Decision Supporting System in Macro Complex System

  13. 模糊灰色物元空间专家决策系统

    FUZZY GREY ELEMENT Expert Decision System

  14. 本文对专家群决策,综合评判,权重分析,模糊灰色物元空间再风险投资中的应用进行了分析与评估。

    In this paper , we use the experts - decision , general judgment , weight analysis system , Fuzzy - Grey - Element to analyze the venture capital and discuss the statement of the result .

  15. 灰色关联分析在空间诱变稻米品质变异综合评价上的应用

    Application of gray relational analysis in comprehensive evaluation of quality of rice in space mutation

  16. 本文简要介绍了模糊、灰色、物元空间理论的理论体系、实际应用情况和近年来的发展和展望。

    This paper briefly introduces the FHW theory system , practical application and development in the recent years .