
  • 网络Martha;Macsa
  1. 玛萨由于悲伤过度而无法参加葬礼。

    Martha was too grief-stricken even to attend the funeral .

  2. 老板因玛萨报告中粗心的错误而在批评她。

    The boss upbraided Martha with her careless mistake in the report .

  3. 玛萨是位非常慈祥的母亲和祖母。

    Martha was a very loving mother and grandmother .

  4. 因为你谋杀了玛萨和其他人,所以这是一个合理的防范措施。

    DH1215Its seemed like a reasonable precaution since you murdered Martha and all .

  5. 如果下雨你和玛萨去海滩吗?不,我们不会去。

    Will you and Martha go to the beach if it rains ? No , we won 't.

  6. 玛萨是通过贝恩的母亲认识贝恩的,她是玛萨的大学老师。玛萨倒不介意他以前的作派。

    Martha , who met Behn through his mother , one of her college tutors , didn 't mind .

  7. 1731年6月2日,玛萨.华盛顿在维吉尼亚州新肯特镇的ChestnutGrove出世。

    Martha Washington was born at Chestnut Grove in the county of New Kent , Virginia on June 2 , 1731 .

  8. 为满足客户的需要,适应国际标准和先进科技的发展,玛萨激光发展出了可以满足各种产品包装和标识的设备。

    In order to meet customer needs , to adapt to international standards and advanced technology development , the Martha laser developed a variety of products to meet packaging and labeling equipment .

  9. 乔治,玛萨,帕特茜和约翰组成了新家庭。婚后不久,一家人在波拖马可河畔的维尔努山的乔治庄园重建了他们的家园。

    The new family consisted of George , Martha , Patsy , and John who soon after the marriage made their home at George 's estate , Mount Vernon , on the Potomac River .