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  • 网络albinism;Blushing
  1. 鱼类白化现象病因浅析

    Preliminary analyse of the pathogeny of albinism in fish

  2. 在养殖过程中常出现高比例的白化现象,白化褐牙鲆商品价值大大降低。

    The high proportion of albinism occurs in course of the production of flounder .

  3. 塞舌尔群岛曾沦为世界上珊瑚发病率最高的珊瑚白化现象的牺牲品。

    The Seychelles have fallen victim to one of the most brutal incidences of coral bleaching worldwide .

  4. 本文综述了禾谷类作物花药培养中,花粉植株白化现象的主要研究结果和新近进展。

    The albinism and its latest research work in pollen plants derived from anther culture in cereals were reviewed here .

  5. 该农药会造成辣椒叶片的白化现象,但不影响辣椒的正常生长。

    Clomazone would whiten the leaves of capsicum plants , but it did not affect the normal growth of the capsicum plants .

  6. 澳洲大堡礁北部和中部的珊瑚至少有35%已被珊瑚白化现象摧毁。

    At least 35 % of corals in the northern and central parts of Australia 's Great Barrier Reef have been destroyed by bleaching .

  7. 来自詹姆斯·库克大学的专家近日表示,他们在已被列入世界自然遗产名录的大堡礁勘的探过程中发现了有史以来最严重的白化现象。

    The experts from James Cook University ( JCU ) say it is the most extreme case of mass bleaching they have ever measured at the World Heritage Site .

  8. 自然界遭受的影响也同样严重,极端海洋温度令世界各地的珊瑚礁发生白化现象,其中很多可能受到了持久性的损害。

    The effects on the natural world have been severe as well , with extreme ocean temperatures bleaching coral reefs around the world , and many of them likely to suffer lasting damage .

  9. 首届全球海洋与气候变化大会的与会科学家总结道,水温、海平面高度、海洋酸性以及珊瑚白化现象正在迅速恶化,如果不立即采取有力行动,在几十年内,数亿人的生活将会受到威胁。

    Water temperatures , sea levels , acidity and coral bleaching are rising so fast that hundreds of millions of people will be at risk within decades unless drastic action is taken promptly , scientists at the first global conference on oceans and Climate Change concluded .

  10. 白化苗现象不仅与基因型有关,还与诱导培养基有一定的关系。

    Albino phenomena had a correlation with genotypes and the induction culture media .

  11. 今年又一次出现了白化,并且白化现象向更南方延续。

    then bleached again this year , and the bleaching stretched further south .