
  1. SD方法在甘肃阳山矿区矿体储量核算中的应用

    Application of SD Method Accounting Reserves in Yangshan Gold Deposit , Gansu Province

  2. SD法储量计算系统在金矿勘查区中的应用&以甘肃阳山金矿为例

    Application of SD reserves calculation system in gold exploration areas : Taking example of Yangshan gold deposit , gansu

  3. 甘肃省阳山金矿床石英脉中锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年代学研究

    A SHRIMP U-Pb chronological study of zircons from quartz veins of Yangshan gold deposit , Gansu Province

  4. 阳山油栗花粉在5℃低温下贮藏,发芽率随贮藏时间延长而提高,贮藏20d时,发芽率达到最高,之后又逐渐降低。

    The sprouting rates of Yangshan oil chestnut pollens preserved at 5 ℃ increased with the duration of preservation , hit the highest value on the 20th day and dropped gradually afterwards .

  5. 阳山隧道分区防水施工技术及质量控制

    Technology and Quality control of Divisional Waterproof Construction of Yangshan Tunnel

  6. 阳山县1980~2004年狂犬病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis on Rabies from 1980 to 2004 in Yangshan County

  7. 苏州阳山高岭石矿物学特征及其形成途径

    The Mineral characteristics and Formation Ways of Kaolinite in Suzhou Area

  8. 浅谈阳山东矿深部开拓方案的优化选择

    On Optimized Selection of Deep Development Scheme of Yangshan East Mine

  9. 阳山金矿,是一座位于甘肃文县一带的超大型的金矿床。

    Gansu Yangshan gold mine is a very large gold deposit .

  10. 甘肃阳山金矿构造控矿模式

    Structural - control model of the Yangshan gold deposit , Gansu

  11. 基于营销角度的阳山金矿投资策略分析

    Analysis on investment strategies of Yangshan gold mine based on marketing

  12. 甘肃阳山金矿床微量元素及稳定同位素的地球化学研究

    Geological and microelement geochemical study of Yangshan gold deposit , Gansu Province

  13. 阳山矿区东矿段深部矿体储量计算

    Reserve Calculation of Deep Orebody in East Section of Yangshan Mine Area

  14. 阳山县消灭丝虫病防治策略和技术措施的研究

    Control Strategy and Technical Measures of Elimination of Filariasis in Yangshan County

  15. 金山金矿阳山选厂磨矿分级工艺流程技术改造与生产实践

    Technology Reconstruction and Production Practice of Milling Classification in a Processing Plant

  16. 阳山县巩固基本消灭疟疾效果管理措施的分析

    Analysis of Managerial Measures to Strengthen Eradication of Malaria in Yangshan County

  17. 甘肃省文县阳山金矿带围岩蚀变地质特征

    Wallrock Alteration in the Yangshan Au ore Belt , Wenxian , Gansu

  18. 伯夷为了顾全个人的名誉而死在首阳山上;

    Boyi died from conserving his reputation on Mount Shouyang ;

  19. 陇南文县阳山矿区破碎岩层小断面坑道施工技术

    Construction Technology of Small-section Tunnel in Crumbly Strata of Yangshan Mining Area

  20. 甘肃阳山超大型热液金矿床的成矿特征

    Metallogenic features of the Yangshan super - large hydrothermal gold deposit in Gansu

  21. 甘肃阳山金矿带地球动力学体制与多因耦合成矿作用

    Geodynamics system and multi-factor coupling mineralization in the Yangshan gold belt , gansu

  22. 阳山高岭土矿山坡变形及岩体滑移的研究

    The Study of Deformation and Rockslide of the Slope of Yang-Shen Kaolin Mine

  23. 阳山县人体重要寄生虫感染现状调查结果分析

    Analysis of Present Infection Condition of Important Parasite Investigate Result in Yangshan County

  24. 甘肃阳山金矿床不良工程地质因素分析与防治

    Geological Factors and Control for Harmful Engineering in the Yangshan Au Deposit , Gansu

  25. 甘肃文县阳山特大型金矿田微量元素特征及其找矿意义

    Elemental Geochemistry and Significance of Prospecting for Yangshan Super-Large Gold Deposit , Gansu Province

  26. 我每月去两次阳山。

    I go to Yangshan twice a month .

  27. 甘肃阳山金矿床深部盲矿定位预测的构造叠加晕理想模型

    Ideal structural superimposed halo model of deep blind gold orebodies prediction in Gansu Yangshan

  28. 甘肃阳山金矿带构造岩浆演化与金矿成矿

    Tectonic-Magmatic Evolution and Gold Mineralization in Yangshan Gold Belt , Gansu Province , China

  29. 甘肃阳山金矿区遥感地质特征及成矿预测

    The Remote Sensing Geological Characteristics and Metallogenic Prognosis of Yangshan Gold Deposit , Gansu Province

  30. 江苏省无锡市阳山镇地区地热地质条件浅析

    Geological conditions of the geothermal analysis of Yang shan area , Wuxi , Jiangsu Province