
  1. 在他身上,生命的两面性达到了调和与平衡:阳刚和阴柔、强悍和怜悯,还有严厉和仁慈。

    In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced : male and female , strength and compassion , severity and mercy .

  2. 《姑娘与女士的生活》中女主人公的阳刚与阴柔

    The Unification of Masculinity and Femininity in The Lives of Girls and Women

  3. 阳刚与阴柔的统&从李清照诗词创作解读其双重性格

    The unity of masculine and femininity & To Comprehend Li Qingzhao 's Two Characters from Her Creation of Poetry and Ci

  4. 我们生下来是男人或女人,不是阳刚或阴柔&桑德拉。巴特基,哲学荣誉教授。

    We are born male or female , but not masculine or feminine & Sandra Bartky , professor emeritus of philosophy .

  5. 影响创业倾向的最关键性文化维度是权力距离,不确定性规避和阳刚/阴柔气质对创业倾向的影响较大,团体/个体主义和成就/归属导向文化维度对创业倾向的影响相对较弱。

    The key culture dimension which affects entrepreneurial orientation is power distance , uncertainty avoidance and masculinity / femininity are important base of entrepreneurial orientation , collectivism / individualism and achievement / ascription orientation are less affect entrepreneurial orientation . 3 .

  6. 二十世纪五六十年代,祖国大陆文学崇尚慷慨雄壮、激越昂扬的阳刚美学风格,阴柔美学风格处于被抑制和遮蔽的状态,使文学审美形态的平衡性&刚柔并济遭到破坏。

    The manly aesthetical literature style , which was vigorous , majestic and high-spirited , was greatly advocated while the delicate gentle style was suppressed and shadowed in mainland in 1950s and 1960s .

  7. “风清骨峻”的审美理想不仅涵盖了阳刚之美,也包容着阴柔之美,是阳刚和阴柔有机融会共同形成的美学境界。

    The style as an aesthetic ideal is synthetic of the beautiful and the sublime , say , an organic combination of the charm of Yang with its counterpart of Yin .