
  1. 突然间所有的灯都灭了。

    Suddenly all the lights went out .

  2. 突然间所有的灯光都灭了。

    Suddenly all the lights went out .

  3. 正在这时潜艇的所有灯都灭了。

    Just then all the lamps in the submarine went out .

  4. 整栋楼的灯突然都灭了。

    All the lights in the building suddenly went off .

  5. 所有的等都灭了,你就能真正的看到星星了。恩~。

    With all the lights out you can actually see the stars .

  6. 灯都灭了我的下巴很疼

    the lights were off , and my jaw hurt .

  7. 因为线路过载,电灯都灭了。

    The lights went out because the system was overloaded .

  8. 他房间灯都灭了。

    The light is out in his room .

  9. 你被关在房间里灯还都灭了

    Listen , you were locked in a room . The lights went out .

  10. (3)(电气设备)停止运作.随着水从窗户涌进来,所有的灯都灭了。

    eg. As the water came in the windows , all the lights went off

  11. 所有的慈悲都灭了。

    And all the grace disturbed .

  12. 敌国被灭尽,永远荒废;他们的城市你拔毁其根;他们令人怀念的遗迹也都灭没。

    Endless ruin has overtaken the enemy , you have uprooted their cities ; even the memory of them has perished .

  13. 有一天,排练时停电了,所有的灯都灭了,但音乐家们并没有停下来。

    One day during rehearsals the electricity shut off and all the lights went out , but the musicians just kept going .

  14. 和说怀了男胎的那夜都灭没。

    Let the day perish wherein I was born , and the night in which it was said , There is a man child conceived .

  15. 耶和华就差遣一个使者进入亚述王营中,把所有大能的勇士和官长,将帅尽都灭了。

    And the Lord sent an angel , who annihilated all the fighting men and the leaders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king .

  16. 当列车驶入一条黑暗的隧道的时候,所有的灯都灭了,这时只听到一声很响亮的亲吻和一记更响亮的耳光的声音,所有人都没有吱声。

    As the train passed through a dark tunnel , the lights went out and all that was heard was a loud kiss and an even louder slap .

  17. 大洪水几乎把整个世界都给灭了。

    The flood almost destroyed the whole world .

  18. 整个舰队都被灭了。

    The entire fleet was destroyed .

  19. 当他划进小港,让小船冲上沙滩时,岸上的灯火都已灭了。

    All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his skiff .

  20. 现代集拆箱码头出产中,闭于于舟舶保班率,功课效力,现场功课调度,功课指令准确都无灭极上的请供。

    In modern container terminals , ship-class rates , operating efficiency , on-site job scheduling , operating instructions have a very high accuracy requirements .

  21. 专家们建议可同时施打季节性和大流行性流感疫苗,前提是两种疫苗都是灭活的,或者一种是灭活的,另一种是减毒活疫苗。

    The experts recommended that seasonal and pandemic vaccines can be administered simultaneously , provided both vaccines are inactivated , or one is inactivated and the other is live attenuated .

  22. 那两名男子几次互调位置,并且每次交换时都会先灭了灯。

    The two men swapped places , always extinguishing the light when they changed over .

  23. 是无论我们怎样想摆脱都萦绕不灭的记忆回响

    that are better left unexplored . An echo of memories that will never die no matter how hard we try to kill them .

  24. 两者都是全细胞灭活疫苗,一种有复合B亚基,另外一种则没有。

    Both are whole-cell killed vaccines , one with a recombinant B-sub unit , the other without .

  25. 紫外消毒已经广泛的作为消毒剂使用,紫外照射也能有效的去除制药废水中的总菌和抗药菌,随着照射时间的延长,总菌和抗药菌都被进一步的灭活。

    Along with the extension of exposure time , total bacteria and drug-resistant bacteria have been further inactivated .

  26. 过去的一切有价值的东西都不会消逝;任何被人类认知的善都不会灭也不能死灭。&卡莱尔

    Nothing that was worthy in the past departs ; no truth or goodness realized by man ever dies , or can die . & Thomas Carlyle