
  1. 那小孩一看到满屋子都是陌生人,感到非常局促不安。

    When the child see all the room fille with strangers , he is much abash .

  2. 日本人不关心陌生人,日本最大的独立制作公司之一TVManUnion首席执行官YutakaShigenobu表示,普通人都是陌生人。

    Japanese people don 't care about strangers , says Yutaka Shigenobu , chief executive of TV Man Union , one of Japan 's biggest independent production companies .

  3. 最终,我们彼此都是陌生人。

    Ln the end , we 're all strangers here .

  4. 你不会说当地的语言,身边都是陌生人,

    You do not speak the language , the people are strangers ,

  5. 我在德国永远都是陌生人。

    I was always a stranger in germany .

  6. 整间屋子都是陌生人。

    A house full of strangers .

  7. 我想也许今天,初来乍到,我们对彼此而言都是陌生人。

    I think perhaps today , the first arrive , we are strangers to each other terms .

  8. 狗狗们互相都是陌生人,但它们在见面时会主动地去打招呼。

    Dogs are strangers to one another , but they instantly meet and greet those around them .

  9. “那小孩一看到满屋子都是陌生人,感到非常局促不安。”

    " When the child saw all the room filled with strangers , he was much abashed . "

  10. 首先,这帮年轻人先快速的浏览一些照片,照片上都是陌生人的脸和名字。

    First , the young men watched a rapid-fire lineup of photos with the faces and names of strangers .

  11. 这是一个古老的信仰和良好的信念,我们的生命是一次天路历程,我们在这个星球上彼此都是陌生人。

    It 's an old belief and good belief that our life is a pilgrim 's progress that we are strangers on the earth .

  12. 不不不我家从小教育我要善待陌生人而你们都是陌生人发射

    No , no , no , no. My family raised me to be good to strangers and there 's really no one stranger than you guys.Shotgun !

  13. 想象一下,你走进一间屋子,里面都是陌生人,但你知道你的衣服可以让你保持冷静,或在分手后,你身上穿的夹克能让你高兴。

    Imagine walking into a room of strangers knowing your clothes could keep you calm , or wearing a jacket that could cheer you up after a breakup .

  14. 在加入此项运动的咖啡店里,顾客可以询问是否有待用咖啡可以提供。这些都是陌生人的善举。

    At cafes that participate in the custom , customers can ask if there are any suspended coffees available , and if so , they are supplied with a beverage , thanks to the kindness of a stranger .

  15. 在加入此项运动的咖啡店里,顾客可以询问是否有“待用咖啡”可以提供。这些都是陌生人的善举。

    At cafes that participate in the custom , customers can ask if there are any " suspended coffees " available , and if so , they are supplied with a beverage , thanks to the kindness of a stranger .

  16. 在建立关系网的最初九个月里,她估计自己至少联系了50人,其中许多都是素未谋面的陌生人,有一半一直杳无音讯。

    During the nine months she spent networking , Saiger estimates that she reached out to at least 50 people , many of them people she had never met before , and didn 't hear back from as many as half of them .

  17. 五个受害人都是自愿上了陌生人的车

    Each one of those five people climbed into a stranger 's car voluntarily .