
  • 网络Going Postal
  1. 日本开始邮政系统私营化,并由此产生了全球最大的商业银行,这是重新整顿日本银行领域上的努力。

    Japan has begun privatizing its postal system , creating the world 's largest commercial bank in an effort to reshape the country 's banking sector .

  2. 与此同时,邮政局坐不住了,表示如果国会再不能采取行动,很快就要开始裁撤邮政所了。

    Meanwhile , the postal service has said that if Congress fails to act it will soon start closing offices .

  3. 正是在这次会议后,世界各国开始研究邮政普遍服务问题,并共同认识到在商业化运营下研究普遍服务的重要性。

    After this conference , the various countries started to study the universal service question in the postal service enterprises , and realized the importance to study the universal service under the commercialization operation .

  4. 本文中聊天机器人(bot)查找的用户消息以weather开始,后跟邮政编码。

    The bot in this article looks for users who start messages with the word weather , followed by a ZIP code .

  5. 人们开始用铁路邮政车,并且在火车上分类整理。

    They started having mail cars on trains and they started having postal sorting on the train .

  6. 龙湾信息产业开始起步,邮政事业不断发展,通讯网络覆盖全区。

    Longwan information industry started , the continuous development of postal services , communication networks cover the whole area .

  7. 随着中国加入WTO,市场竞争日渐加剧,国家对邮政8531政策的实施,意味着开始逐渐取消对邮政的政策扶持,并且邮政行业的专营优势已在丧失,邮政行业正面临着前所未有的挑战。

    In the process of China entering the WTO , market competition become keen and sharp increasingly , the policy of 8531 for China Post shows that the policy support for Post is shrinking , specially considering monopoly advantage disappearing , challenge of Post industry is inaccessible .