
  • 网络Days Inn;Days;Dice;Dace;dyce
  1. 1954年至1973年,安德烈曾在皮埃尔·孟戴斯-弗朗斯(PierreMendes-France)、夏尔·戴高乐(CharlesdeGaulle)和乔治·蓬皮杜(GeorgesPompidou)的内阁任职,1986年,总统弗朗索瓦·密特朗(Fran?oisMitterrand)曾考虑任命他做总理。

    Between 1954 and 1973 , he served in the Cabinets of Pierre Mendes-France , Charles de Gaulle and Georges Pompidou , and in 1986 he was considered for prime minister by President Fran ? ois Mitterrand .

  2. iStock的总经理爱伦•戴斯迈拉斯指出:“随着工作量越来越大,预算越来越紧张,企业的创造性水平日益降低。”

    Notes Ellen Desmarais , general manager at iStock , " rising pressure from increasing workloads , ever-tighter budgets , and constrained budgets are wearing creatives down . "

  3. 戴斯.莱纳姆:他是你最好的签约吗?

    DL Was he the best player you have ever signed ?

  4. 戴斯.莱纳姆:你觉得你变了多少?

    DL How do you think it has changed you ?

  5. 戴斯.莱纳姆:你觉得自己变得和善了?

    DL Do you think you have softened ?

  6. 或者是海格和戴斯?

    Or is it Haag and dazs ?

  7. 戴斯.莱纳姆:如果再次赢得欧洲杯,你会因此退休吗?

    DL If you won the European Cup again , would that satisfy you , would you retire ?

  8. 刺杀成功了,戴斯德·星眼成为了暗夜精灵军队的新领导者。

    The assassination was successful , and Lord Desdel Stareye became the new leader of the night elf defenders .

  9. 戴斯.莱纳姆:本赛季的开局不怎么成功吧?冬季戴维斯海冰年代际变化与大气环流关系

    DL How do you assess your start to the season ? Relationship between Interdecadal Variations of Davis Strait Winter Sea-ice Extent and Atmospheric Circulation

  10. 教授,美国布兰戴斯大学及哈佛大学豪斯非盈利组织中心;国际艾滋病疫苗行动中国项目负责人。

    Professor Joan Kaufman , Brandeis University and Harvard University Hauser Centre for non-profit organizations , Team Leader , Vaccine Preparedness China , International AIDS .

  11. 一些容易成为校园笑柄的英国怪姓在过去一个世纪里下降了75%,这些姓氏包括考克夏特、鲍尔、戴斯和苏佛尔鲍特姆。

    The number of people in Britain with surnames like Cockshott , Balls , Death and Shufflebottom likely the source of schoolroom laughter has declined by up to75 percent in the last century .