
  1. 中国保护大熊猫研究中心的张和民表示,熊猫发出的“嗯”是一种表示她很高兴的表达方式。

    Zhang Hemin , of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda , said the panda 's " um " was an expression to show she was happy .

  2. 张和民是一位来自四川省西部卧龙自然保护区的研究人员,赠台的熊猫就来自那里。他说,“经过短暂分隔后,它们或许彼此对对方有更浓厚的性趣”。

    " Theymay have more interest toward each other after a brief separation ," said Zhang , a researcher at the Wolong Natural Reserve in western Sichuan province where the pandas are from .

  3. 大地震之前的过去十几年,每年出生的大熊猫不到10只,正如中心一直注重出生的每只熊猫的质量,该中心主任张和民在汶川地震五周年之前说。

    The number of births has slowed to lessthan 10 each year from more than a dozen before the quake , as the center hasfocused on the quality of each panda born , Zhang Hemin , the center 's director , said before the fifth anniversary of the natural disaster .