
  1. 它曾一度归属为刘文彩(LiuWencai),作为地主,刘文彩因被断定虐待他自己的长工而臭名昭著。

    It once belonged to Liu Wencai , a landowner supposedly notorious for ill-treating his tenant farmers .

  2. 刘文彩为当地学校花费了大量钱财,出资相互修建从成都到大邑县的公路。

    He spent a lot of money on local schools and paid for a road to be built from Chengdu to Dayi .

  3. 去年,刘文彩的一位孙子为了光耀刘氏门楣,在大邑县组织了一次大团聚。

    Last year a grandson organised a get-together in Dayi for the extended Liu clan , whose members would once have been terrified of revealing their ties .

  4. 在1999年,一本由一位率性直言(大嘴巴)的记者出版的一本重估刘文彩的人生的书最终证实了刘文彩这个人也并没有(上面写的)那么坏得透顶。

    But it was a book reassessing Liu 's life published by an outspoken journalist in 1999 that finally convinced many that the man was really not that bad .

  5. 他们的串联的一个高潮是参观“水牢”,即刘文彩非法拘禁不守规矩的佃农的地方:一间数尺深的水漫过地面的房间。

    A high point of their visit was a trip to the " water dungeon ", a room with several inches of water covering the floor where Liu had allegedly kept disobedient farmers .

  6. 去年,刘文彩的一位重孙为了延续刘氏的香火,在大邑县组织了一次大团聚。这些人员曾一度对于自己身份的泄露而倍感恐惧,而那次团聚的出场人数超过1000人。

    Last year a grandson organised a get-together in Dayi for the extended Liu clan , whose members would once have been terrified of revealing their ties . More than 1000 turned up .