
ào huǐ bù yǐ
  • 熟语very vexed
  1. 他因为没有相信她而懊悔不已。

    He was filled with remorse for not believing her .

  2. 我想到我说过的蠢话时仍懊悔不已。

    I still wince when I think about that stupid thing I said .

  3. 一些癌症病人懊悔不已。

    Some cancer patients experience strong feelings of guilt .

  4. “我们的婚姻是个错误,”她说着,看起来懊悔不已。

    ' Our marriage was a mistake , ' she said , looking rueful .

  5. 我想让家乡克利夫兰所有那些烂人都懊悔不已。

    I want everyone back in Cleveland to be eating their crummy little hearts out .

  6. 他接着又说到了自己不负责任的行为以及可能对孩子们造成的恶劣影响等等。一时间捶胸顿足,懊悔不已。

    He went on about his irresponsible behaviour , the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on . It was all sackcloth and ashes .

  7. 第二天,他就会懊悔不已,哭着乞求原谅。

    The next day he 'd be full of contrition , weeping and begging forgiveness .

  8. 看到这儿,是否因为错过了SOA春季所举办的剑击课程而懊悔不已?

    Up till now , are you regretting for missing the SOA fencing course ( Spring 2006 )?

  9. 她将会对自己的无礼懊悔不已。

    She would regret her rudeness for a long time .

  10. 他们到家的时候,她心里懊悔不已,人也变得没精打采。

    By the time they reached home she was contrite and spiritless .

  11. 最令我懊悔不已的事情。

    The thing I am most ashamed of .

  12. 甚至懊悔不已的迈克尔。维克本人也抽泣着说那是“一件可怕的事情”。

    Even a remorseful Michael Vick sniffled that it was " a terrible thing " .

  13. 我听见年轻人悄悄地啜泣哽咽,为自己的痛苦,为所作所为懊悔不已

    I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men at anguish with themselves , remorseful after deeds done

  14. 接着才懊悔不已。

    Followed by the remorse .

  15. 那些话一出口我就懊悔不已,因为我知道那些话会使他不高兴的。

    No sooner had I uttered the words than I could have kicked myself , for I knew they would displease him .

  16. 然而,我们却经常久久地回顾那扇关闭了的门,懊悔不已,却没有看到那扇为我们打开的门。

    But we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us .

  17. 嫦娥俯瞰人间,心中懊悔不已。自此她就留在了那里,只有一只飞天时捉到的小兔子陪伴着她。

    And there she has remained since , looking down in eternal regret , accompanied only by a little rabbit she managed to grab on the way up .

  18. 我知道我父亲必定对其所为懊悔不已.他是劳勃国王的好友,他敬爱国王.你们知道他是真心敬爱他.

    I know My Lord father must regret what he did . He was King Robert 's friend and he loved him . You all know he loved him .

  19. 王凯说,第一次从大学回家时自己和他们表现得一样,但现在,在距家乡1500公里外的湖南,他对当初的举动懊悔不已。

    Wang says he acted the same way when he first returned home from college , but now , living 1,500 km away from his hometown in Hunan , he regrets his behavior .