
  1. 她的烹饪书成了畅销书,她还有一个烹饪app,以及人偶模型(奇怪的是,它不是用石头,而是用树脂做成的)。

    And she has a best-selling cookbook , a cooking app and action figure ( though , oddly , it 's made of vinyl , not stone ) .

  2. 他的第二本书成了抢手的畅销书。

    His second book turns out to be a runaway best-seller .

  3. 应一弟子的提请,另一诗作的翰墨已书成。

    One more poem in calligraphy , as requested by a disciple .

  4. 他的书成了畅销书,他对一切都满意了。

    His book now a bestseller , he felt pleased with the world .

  5. 后来这本书成了张艺谋执导的电影的基础。

    The book was later the basis for a film directed by Zhang Yimou .

  6. 应弟子王浩以下提请,两首诗已书成翰墨。

    As requested by disciple Wang Hao below two poems are now in calligraphy .

  7. 有时书成之后,作家的兴奋仍不消散。

    Sometimes the yeast within a writer outlives a book he has written . i.

  8. 应一弟子之提请,一旧诗作现已书成翰墨了。

    As requested by a disciple an old poem is written in calligraphy now .

  9. 书成于雍正元年,即1723年。

    The book is formed in 1723 .

  10. 萨缪尔森先生的这本书成了一件约束经济学知识这个无形躯体的紧身衣。

    Mr Samuelson 's book squeezed a shapeless body of economic knowledge into a tight corset .

  11. 这本书成了热门货。

    The book became a cult .

  12. 这本书成书已久,故其中的信息是错误的。

    The information in this book is up the creed because it was written so long ago .

  13. 那套百科全书有二十卷。他的第二本书成了抢手的畅销书

    That encyclopedia is in twenty volumes . His second book turns out to be a runaway best - seller

  14. 先秦诸子书成书较为复杂,其中的一些有增加、补缀的成分。

    Ancient philosophers'books of pre-Qin Dynasty are comparatively complicated . A few among them have the increasing and patching composition .

  15. 基塔伊承认自己爱书成狂,他在1990年写道:我的画会以质朴的激情,从我的书中吸取养分。

    A self-confessed bibliophile , the artist wrote in 1990 , my books feed into the pictures I make with an untutored passion .

  16. 应子浩以下之提请,我已将〈南无无垢目如来〉的圣号书成翰墨了。

    As requested by disciple Hao below , I had written the holy epithet of " Namo Spotless Eyes Buddha " in calligraphy .

  17. 根据写本的语言特点,我认为该书成书或译成回鹘文在10&11世纪。

    On the basis of the language of our text I hold that it was written ( or translated ) in the10th-11th centuries .

  18. 基塔伊承认自己爱书成狂,他在1990年写道:“我的画会以质朴的激情,从我的书中吸取养分。”

    A self-confessed bibliophile , the artist wrote in 1990 , " my books feed into the pictures I make with an untutored passion . "

  19. 罗琳女士,癌症威胁着要带走我女儿的一切,而您的书成为了我们急需用以藏身的堡垒。

    Mrs Rowling , cancer threatened to take everything from my daughter , and your books turned out to be the fortress we so desperately needed to hide in .

  20. 施瓦布也坦言,这本书成书较为仓促,汇集了他与许多达沃斯座上客(他在致谢声明中仔细地记录下来)接触中产生的想法。

    It is also , as Schwab admits , something of a rush job , amassing ideas culled from his many meetings with Davos luminaries ( carefully noted in the acknowledgments ) .

  21. 影响一本书成与败的是见解的高低、基础项目的执行力、编辑的水平以及营销与推广的效果。

    What matters to the success or failure of a book is the quality of conception and execution of the underlying project , the competence of the editing , and the effectiveness of marketing and promotion .

  22. 书成之后因战乱频繁及印刷技术落后而流传不广且有窜乱,王叔和对其进行了首次整理。并在其随后撰写的《脉经》中收录了《伤寒杂病论》中的绝大部分内容。

    But it was not spread widely after finished because the frequently war and the unadvanced printing technology . Wang Shuhe reorganized it for the first time , and included most of the content of it in his book Mai Jing .

  23. 他拜同乡张伯祖为师,钻研医学,吸收古代医学典籍里的知识,四处收集大量的药方,最终完成了这本医学名著。这本书成书后不久,便在之后全国战局动荡的三国时期失散。

    He learned medicine by studying from his townsfellow Zhang Bozu , assimilating from previous medicinal lit-erature , and collecting many prescriptions elsewhere , finally writing the medical masterpiece . Shortly after its publication the book was lost during the wars that ravaged China during the period of the Three Kingdoms .

  24. 出版商已委托人把这本书译成法语。

    Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book .

  25. 我们已把书打成了包,等着搬运工来。

    We have packed up the books for the movers .

  26. 伟大思想古今有,载入书中成不朽

    In books , are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages .

  27. 这个团队将一本即将出版的有关基因工程的英文书编译成了真正的DNA。

    In their work , the group translated the English text of a coming book on genomic engineering into actual DNA .

  28. 以及DavidEKelley把书改编成剧本,然后娓娓道来。

    Then David E Kelley came along and shaped it with his brilliant storytelling .

  29. State字段允许我们将这本书标记成已经不再出版或不再具有相关性(例如,突然发现有一本书是与Notes/Domino无关的)。

    The State field lets us tag this book as no longer published or not relevant ( for instance , getting a hit on a book that is not related to Notes / Domino ) .

  30. 2012年,这家国有银行已有过一次舞台经历。当时,荷兰国家大剧院(DutchNationalTheatre)将一本名为《猎物》(DeProoi)的书改编成一部同名戏剧,描述了该行的起起落落。

    The taxpayer-owned bank already had a theatrical run in 2012 when its rise and fall was dramatised by the Dutch National Theatre in De Prooi , or The Prey , based on the book of the same name .