
shū qì
  • certificate ;deed;literary club;characters
  • evidence
书契 [shū qì]
  • (1) [characters]∶指文字

  • 始画八卦,造书契。--《书序》

  • (2) [evidence]∶指契约等书面凭证

  • 掌稽市之书契。--《地官》

  1. 《三刻拍案惊奇》中的民间私约情形反映了民众有着认可文约书契具有法律效力,强调在交易关系中义利对等,以及认同息讼价值取向的法观念。

    Folk private agreements in the " Amazing Tales Third Series " have reflected the civil private legal concept . Such as , people accept text agreement and book contract has legal effect , emphasize equivalence between justice and benefit in the trading relationship , and approve to appease lawsuit .